Today we’d like to introduce you to Kristina.
Kristina, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Fifteen years ago, I spent several months working in the orphanages of Ecuador. It was the first time I had witnessed the tragedy of broken families so large scale, and it was eye opening. But among the heartache, I found something even more powerful. I found strength, resilience, and goodness in so many children. That experience ignited a desire inside of me to come home and raise awareness for vulnerable children in the Foster Care system. I didn’t know where to start or what to do, but I could not ignore the pull inside of me. That pull led me to find so many amazing individuals and organizations touched by Foster care and to create Amity + Anthem ultimately.
Since becoming involved with Foster care, I have fallen in love with Marjorie Hinckley’s quote, “There isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their story.” As I heard these stories of Foster Care, something amazing happened inside of me. Suddenly, these strangers resembled someone familiar. I could see myself and my struggles in their journey. Although the experiences were different, the narrative, the emotions, and the innate desire to love and be loved were universal. This desire unites us as humans. As I listened, I found that my misconceptions were soon replaced with compassion, my assumptions turned into admiration, and any distance was replaced with community and connection. This was powerful and profound to me. We all have a story. Stories that testify of our heartache, humanity, divinity, growth, strength, courage, and goodness. And maybe if we strive to share and hear more stories, we can love more freely. We can relate. We can connect. We can break down barriers and build new bridges.
My hope for Amity & Anthem is to share stories through various platforms that connect, uplift, educate, empower, and move us to action. I hope that in hearing these stories, we will reach beyond our normal associations to break down barriers and build community. I hope this space encourages us to recognize our influence as women and mothers and to use our platform to speak up for the children who don’t have a voice. I hope together. We can start a conversation, make an impact, start a movement, and create a ripple that can be felt widespread. I hope we can open our eyes to the needs that surround us, and to always encourage those who have overcome so much to keep going.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I am not outspoken by nature and the idea of speaking out about something so special and important to me was intimidating. It made me feel vulnerable and that was outside of my comfort zone. I believe so wholeheartedly in this cause and whenever I start to doubt myself, I remember who I am doing this for. The children always push me to keep going. I might doubt my own ability, but I have never doubted what is at the core of everything I hope to do.
I have been blown away with the love and support of this community. I have learned that vulnerability is a powerful force for cultivating community. I have also come to understand that passions are usually not random but are put on our hearts for a reason. If we dare to pursue them and follow that pull inside of us, amazing things can happen. And I don’t always mean big or dramatic things, we never know the ripple we can start. Some of the most profound experiences can happen in the quiet, small, day to day interactions of compassionate people.
It is not always easy to speak up or out about something we are passionate about. It is not always easy to share our stories. I have grown to respect the quiet courage that so many of us wear individually and uniquely. The bravery I have seen woven throughout the stories I have shared has inspired me so deeply and changed me as a person. “Bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is feeling the fear, the doubt, the insecurity and deciding that something else is more important.” -Mark M.
What you carry in your heart matters, your story matters, your voice matters, and we can make monumental advances as a society if we listen and share them. This is what I hope to do with Foster Care, break down misconceptions and build new bridges in this space.
Please tell us about Amity + Anthem.
The word Amity has been used to describe friendship, charity, peaceful harmony, and goodwill for well over 500 years. We are accustomed to relating an Anthem to patriotism but it is also defined as a sacred composition identified with a particular movement. These two words encompassed everything I wanted to create with Amity + Anthem.
Amity + Anthem advocates for vulnerable children using education, story telling, volunteer opportunities, and purchases that empower from The Do-Good Shop. We are not all called to foster or adopt, but we can all do something, and although it might seem small, we never know the gravity it can carry for someone else or the ripple one small action can create. “We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts can transform the world.” – Howard Zinn
The Do Good Shop isn’t like other online shops. I like to refer to is as a shop with a soul, because every purchase empowers. We give back 100% of all profits to ethical non-profit organizations committed to changing the way children experience Foster Care. In addition to that, every purchase supports artisan, women and family owned small businesses because every item sold is handmade with love by a small business. So not only are you giving back to Foster care, but you are supporting small business owners.
We utilize social media and blogging platforms to help share perspectives of Individuals who work tirelessly with non- profit organizations serving the down trodden. Selfless foster mothers and fathers who love children like their own without knowing the outcome or for how long they will be able to hold them in their arms. Former foster youth who have fought to overcome the statistics and have not only survived but continue to thrive and go on to become amazing parents, dedicated social workers, authors, speakers, and contributors to so much good in our society. Birth parents who are not perfect, but keep fighting to make things right. Love is a powerful force for change and family is worth advocating for. So many powerful perspectives that can help change the way we view foster care and move us to act in whatever way is feasible for each of us.
I also look forward to expanding this effort by partnering with local videographers to produce mini documentaries. Imagery and video can be very powerful, and I am really looking forward to connecting in this way.
If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
I have learned that passions are not usually random; they might be our calling. I have learned not to waste time wondering if I am capable but to go for it. Looking back, I wish I would have spoken up sooner. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that although I lacked personal confidence- the confidence that I have in this cause was enough to take that first leap of faith. Sometimes we have to act in faith and only in doing that does our personal confidence grow. Stepping out in faith and vulnerability can be life changing and beautiful. As we put ourselves out there into the unknown, we connect and grow in empathy and compassion.
- Bravery Lives Here Tee $24.00
- Hand Stamped Leather Key Chains $14.00
- Handmade Minimalist Rings starting at $9.00
- Raising World Changers + Strong As A Mother Tees $24.00
- Pom Pom Guaze Blanket $38.00
- Organic Baby Bodysuit $12.50
Contact Info:
- Website: www.amityandanthem.com
- Email: amityandanthem@gmail.com
- Instagram: @amityandanthem
Image Credit:
Jessica Dozier with J Dozier Creative