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Meet Savannah Peer and Dillon Rose of Infinite Reach Media in North DFW

Today we’d like to introduce you to Savannah Peer and Dillon Rose.

Savannah and Dillon, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
After graduating college several years ago, Dillon and I applied for job after job hoping to find something that we found fulfilling that would allow us to use our degrees. Unfortunately, with every interview, it came apparent to us that we were not going to find our dream job, so we decided that we would create our own. With Dillon’s educational background focused on website development and marketing paired with my own educational background and love for creativity, design, and marketing, we decided to create Infinite Reach Media. We found that so many successful, small business owners struggled with bringing their offline business into a digital experience that reflected to their clients who they are as a brand and what they offer while also displaying a truly beautiful design. It was because of this need in the market that we developed our business to offer specialized services in small business branding and WordPress website design.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I would have to say that owning a creative small business, or any business in general, is never a smooth road. Some of the obstacles that we faced at the beginning of our business were really fine tuning our process. Our first year was truly focused on creating a seamless process that was easy for our clients and also easy for us to work through together. We definitely didn’t get it right on the first try… or second, try for that matter, but after a few years now and forty clients later, I would say that developing our process was an obstacle and a huge learning experience. And we still continue to evolve, grow, and always get better.

Additional obstacles have just been general business obstacles I would say. No one hands you a manual that tells you how to handle every client situation, what to include in your client agreement, or how to even handle the legalities of your business. I’m not sure I would say these were struggles for us, but they were definitely major learning experiences when we first started.

Infinite Reach Media – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
At Infinite Reach Media, we create personal, customized, brand and website designs for small business owners nationally and internationally.

We have focused on small business owners because we know it takes a special individual to develop an idea, run with it, and create a real business with that idea. So when we say that we work with small business owners, what we really mean is that we work with individuals that think outside of the box. The doers. The go-getters. The individuals that strive for success to always do better, evolve, and grow.

We’re not your typical design company. We have experienced the process of creating and building a business, and we bring our values, experience, and unique design style into each client that we work with.

We have a bold spirit, pay way too much attention to the small details, and have spent way too many countless hours creating a process that is as seamless as possible, because seeing our clients become successful means that we are successful.

We know how important having an online and offline appearance is for small business owners. We know because we are small business owners too, and we strive to provide the perfect designs that align with each of our client’s vision.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
This is a difficult question because when you start your own business, there are so many small successes that truly make you proud of yourself and just reassure you that you made the right decision in launching your business.

I wouldn’t say we’ve had one proud moment that can be singled out by itself, but each time we finish a client project, it just feels absolutely amazing to look at the final product of the client’s color palette, mood board, logo design, website design, and other brand collateral materials and just see what a phenomenal job was done. It’s one thing to just see a logo design by itself, but it’s an entirely different thing to see all elements brought together to create a cohesive, unified brand and website design. And it feels even more amazing knowing that the clients are truly in love with the work that we have done.


  • Brand Essentials Package: Investment Starts at $900+
  • Full Brand Suite Package: Investment Starts at $1400+
  • Custom Web or Blog Design: Investment Starts at $3200+
  • Custom Ecommerce Design: Investment Starts at $4700+

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Image Credit:
Personal photo: photography by Terri Glanger. All portfolio work displayed as tribute to our work are from projects for: House of Brilliance, Vision Quest Optical, Busy Body Commercial, Trio Trendy Threads, and Folk & Heart Creative Co.

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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