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Meet Shawna Williams of Indigo Qi in Grand Prairie

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shawna Williams.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
In August of 2014, I lost my mother-in-law. Six months later, I lost my mom and had to put my dad in an Alzheimer’s center. Within the next year, I lost my Dad’s two older brothers and I found out I had Foch’s Dystrophy, a hereditary eye disease that causes blindness if not treated. I had to come up with $3000 to have a cornea transplant in my right eye and I still need one for my left eye. I began to realize that I had to change my career as a graphic designer because computer work for extended periods of time hurt my eyes too much. My Dad lost his battle with Alzheimer’s and passed last August, followed by his little brother in October and his sister the day after Christmas.

All of this stress became overwhelming because I didn’t have time to mourn anyone and I was still trying to recover from my eye surgery and save up for the next one. I began to have depression and high anxiety. I felt like I was going to implode and I was beginning to have a hard time finding joy in life. It was at this time that I learned about Reiki. It’s been said that Reiki finds you when you need it most and that’s just what happened to me.

After reading up on it, I decided to join a class. After the first lesson, I knew this is what I was called to do. For the first time in two years, I felt positive. I felt calm. I felt… healed. I wanted everyone to feel healed, naturally, the way we were originally meant to be healed. Not only did I complete this course while practicing on myself and others, I began looking into how I could change my career so that I could help others with emotional stress and physical pain relief. I have also learned other modalities to help enhance my ability to heal. I am also a Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Reiki Acupressure for Depression/Anxiety Practitioner, Reiki Color and Art Therapy Practitioner and am working on my Shamanic Initiation, 9 Sacred Rites of the Munay Ki.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
When I think about it, everything has come pretty easily for me once I made the choice to become a Reiki Master. I was a serial entrepreneur and had 3 other companies, one of which lasted 12 years but each one was a struggle to start and maintain. Indigo Qi (in-di-goh chee) however has been easy. Everything has been just coming to me. I found my location close to home. The rent is very reasonable. I’ve been met with interest from many and prayers from strangers that my business succeed.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Indigo Qi – what should we know?
Indigo Qi is an energy healing service for people who seek alternative health choices to enhance their healing with conventional medicines. I help people deal with emotional issues and pain relief. My husband has had back pain since I met him because of multiple injuries and donating bone marrow for his brother. He was seeing doctors and taking pain medications almost daily. I routinely use Reiki on him and his pain is completely gone. He doesn’t take pain meds anymore either. I also have a client who had lost her job, her spouse, and was depressed and losing weight. After one session, she could already see light at the end of the tunnel. By the fourth session she had completely changed the way she looked at life. She now has a job, isn’t depressed anymore, and not only has she stopped losing weight, she is working out at a gym and feeling happy more than not. I also got a call about a family pet that was scratching his hair out. I gave her Reiki and she immediately stopped scratching and hasn’t pulled anymore hair out.

I use healing energy to relax people into a state where the body-mind begins to repair itself. We all have life related stress which causes energy blocks that can lead to illness and disease. I help to relieve these blocks and imbalances so healing can begin. I am a very sensitive person, some may say that I’m an empath. I can literally feel other people’s emotions and sometimes their physical pain. For this reason, I can truly understand where a person is emotionally, and can help them work through these emotions to help them heal. It makes me proud to know that I am making a difference in people’s and animals lives. I am part of a healing community. Reiki practitioners come together to heal the world. That is our main purpose.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
The main credit I’d like to give is to my husband Curtis. He has been a solid support for me and my many ventures since I met him over 20 years ago. He is my rock and the love of my life. My boys; Zachary & Sean and my sisters; Phyllis, Sharon, and Debra have supported me every step of the way, giving me advice, sending clients my way and even using my services themselves. My best friend of 42 years Mia has done anything I asked. She found the furniture for the office, gave me advice, helped me move into my suite and constantly prayed for me and sent me uplifting texts.

Dr. Shae Sprayberry, who is co-owner in Realign Health and Wellness Center in Arlington, TX counseled me after the death of my family members and encouraged me to find out what gifts God blessed me with to change my career and outlook in life.

Lisa Powers is my Reiki Master/Teacher. Her insights and knowledge as a Reiki Master is immeasurable. I’m so glad I found her to teach me what I needed to know to become a Reiki Master/Teacher myself.

Contact Info:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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