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Meet Dierdre Robinson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dierdre Robinson.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Dierdre. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
From childhood, I’ve always been creative! All I ever did was draw and I started taking it seriously in high school which led to win contests and gain artistic merits!!!! After high school, until the present was a huge gap in between; but praises to God that the Lord reeled me back to my calling! Currently, I am painting on canvas (USING ACRYLIC) and I soon want to gain exposure and become a brand to better support myself as an artist! Sometimes it’s difficult for me because I am an introvert and don’t really look to be seen but clearly, I’ve learned that having a gift is not about us especially when God have it to glorify Him and use it for others as well!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Talk about being broke and trying to buy art supplies….Hilarious right!!!!!!! Well that’s was one of the hiccups for me and a for a while I struggled with that but not anymore! It’s true that when you need something that asking God to deliver is the best way because HE DID!!!!!!!!

Please tell us more about your art.
My art is mostly expressionism with a hint of abstract! I’m known for doing art on canvas as well as portrait sketches! I’m proud of the response I get when I create pieces and share them in social media or in-person to whom is laying eyes on the pieces! It’s a good feeling spark an opinion or emotion from someone just from visual art!

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
Well, when I was younger around six or seven I remember going to DisneyWorld and in my little mind at the time I was so afraid to get in the pool because I thought I would drown…. EVEN WITH THE ROUND FLOAT SHAPED LIKE A DONUT!!!!! My cousin had to calm my little nerves and assure me that I would be supported by the float! After about 15 minutes, she convinced me and I was enjoying myself! Reflecting back on that experience I realize that sometimes not moving forward could be at the hands of our own doing!

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