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Meet Trailblazer Adriane Leal Filenga

Today we’d like to introduce you to Adriane Leal Filenga.

Adriane, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I was born in Brazil, November, 17th, 1990 (my birthday is coming!). I was raised in a Christian home, with a lovely family and incredible friends. Even though I am a shy person, I always like talking to people, knowing their stories and help the way I could. My passion for other cultures and languages began when I was a teenager when I saw the missionaries and interpreters in church, foreign songs, and how people could be different from us. My parents were divorced, but they never let this interfere in the love and motivation that they always gave me. My English grades were low, but I still loved to learn English and help people. My parents enrolled me in an English school, I started to learn better, I helped missionaries when they went to Brazil. Then, I went to Chile to learn Spanish. And finally, I started learning German once again for my father’s motivation. One day, I wish to learn French and Italian as well. One of my dreams is traveling the world, knowing people’s stories, be friends with them, learn more about their behavior, preferences, everything. I searched for high schools in Australia, but my parents could not afford it, it was too expensive.

During high school in Brazil, I decided I wanted to graduate in Interpreter and Translator. But, my father told me that he wanted me to be the person with the message, with the knowledge, who also had the ability to speak in another language, instead of translating other person’s message or knowledge. It motivated me, so, I started looking for another area and I decided on Public Relations. I loved the course, and I graduated in 2011. Then, I talked to my parents that I wish I could do my post-graduation in a foreign country. My mother helped me to look for a place. She was dreaming of me. My father and my mother always studied a lot, worked hard and never gave up on something. I am really proud of them. I love them so much. After some years, my grandmother and my mother had cancer. Both in 2013.

After one year of treatment, both died in 2014. It was the worst year of my life. I stopped dreaming and entered a deep depression. My father, my sister, my church, all my family and friends were always very supportive, but it was a difficult time. I just gave up dreaming. In December 2018, I saw my boyfriend’s new year’s resolution for 2018. He showed me all the plans he had for 2018 and he did everything. At that moment, I realized that my life was stuck, I was not dreaming and planning since 2014. I decided to do my own list as well. One of the plans I wrote there was trying to do my post-graduation in another country. So, I did all the necessary steps, TOEFL, referral letters, and all that I needed to register. I was really afraid not to get enough points on TOEFL, but I did. Then I sent everything to the University and waited for the answer. I got approved. And I could not believe it. I thought I was not going to make it. But, God is amazing and He helped me with everything. I can work for Brazil from here, study, workout, be close to my sister and nephew. It is not easy to be far from home, far from my father, from my boyfriend, from my dog, from my family, friends, living in a country with different culture, language, currency, and all, but I want to make my father and my mother proud of me. They always invested in me, money, love, time, and I want to make it all worth. So, here I am, living in Dallas, and doing an MBA in marketing, making this dream come true, trying to live it to the fullest. I don’t know the plans that God has for me. I also want to have my own family, get married, have two kids, keep helping people, make a difference in the world.

Has it been a smooth road?
It has not been a smooth road. Many times, I thought about giving up. Giving up on my life, on my dreams, on everything. I want to encourage other women, telling them not to give up. Sometimes, life is so different than what we have planned. I cling to these two verses:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

When you have no more energy or strength, just pray to the Lord. There is no shame in asking for help. Find people who really care about you. God presented me with such special friends and I could not have done without them and without my family. There are many bad people in the World, who just want to take advantage of our suffering. But, there are people who do care about us and they will help us. Ask God to guide you to them. Believe in yourself. Try to discover the reason you were created, what is your purpose here on Earth. Helping people always makes us feel better. When we only look at our problems, it just gets worst. Be thankful for everything that you can, help everyone that you can. Offer what you have. A smile, a hug, support, a pray, a meal, maybe it is exactly what the person is in need of. You are important. You can change and save lives.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
I work with marketing. I started as an intern in Brazil for a multinational company. I had worked with events planning, digital marketing as well. Today, I am an influencer assessor. I build marketing campaigns, sell to the brands, and try to use all my abilities and the influencer abilities to make the world a better place. Having ideas is secret. Thinking beyond. How can we sell this product in a way nobody did before? What brand can be helpful to this project? What knowledge can we spread to people? And the projects that we build try to answer all these questions and others. I believe that what sets me apart from others is that I see people behind clients, people behind hierarchy. That is personas strategy and I do it. Get to know people. Help marketing managers to reach their objective. Help clients to solve their problem. Workflows, contracts, projects, management, counseling, finances, negotiations, peacemaker, or what is needed. I do not limit my actions, I love going beyond and get involved in all the steps. making sure of great results, I am really passioned about what I do. Influencing people is a huge responsibility.

We’re interested to hear your thoughts on female leadership – in particular, what do you feel are the biggest barriers or obstacles?
We still face many barriers as women. Some examples. If a man is too demanding, people see him as a great professional, the employees admire him. If a woman does that, most times she is seen as a bad person, people start gossiping about her. Or if a man is cool, nice to people, they think he is a great leader. But if a woman does that, she is not professional, she is “easy” for man.

It impacts directly on our confidence. We feel we are never good enough, that we are always doing something wrong, that we do not deserve any better, we are always trying to prove our value. Saving our job instead of risking. Accepting what we have instead of pursuing more.

It is not difficult to find men earning higher salaries than women, even in the same role.

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