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Meet Phoenix J Ma’ri

Today we’d like to introduce you to Phoenix J Ma’ri.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
My life journey into this path started around the age of 15. I had a dream of seeing myself on stage, speaking. The people were cheering, crying and excited about the message being brought forth. I was afraid of what I seen and never shared the vision until I kept having it over and over.

Unknowledgeable about the ancestral gifting within my family, I hid myself in a lifestyle of fakeness. I conditioned myself to live the status quo and continuously ran from this journey. At 18, I joined the military, by 20 I was pregnant and married by 21. I was fast-tracking through life and by 25, all of my children were born. I was lost in a fakecation for over 15 years, a marriage and lifestyle that didn’t belong to me. With unexpected experiences and a tremendous transformation happening within, the path of spirituality was presented again. Without overstanding, in 2009 Women of Endurance, an outreach for women to heal from domestic abuse was born through me in North Carolina. How could I help these women and I was one with them? I was afraid someone would find out my story of being a victim, so I hid myself and ran again.

In 2012, the running stop and I surrendered myself to the pain and hurt. I had battled untreated manic depression, anxiety, and PTSD for years and it destroyed the relationship with my oldest daughter. I knew change had to come and I was on the hunt for it. In 2014, I started treatments through the Veterans Affairs Hospital locally to jumpstart my journey into healing me. As I grew closer to Spirit, I realized conventional therapy was not balancing out the storm within. After wavering the storm of confusion between traditions and spirituality, the light within came on.

I started my journey into healing to overcome depression, anxiety, and bipolar. I had not worked in over 20 years, so the employment gap was causing problems. I didn’t know how I was going to support my daughters and still hold my head high as their mother. Our lifestyle had taken a twist to hell with my mental condition and the financial shift from two incomes to one was not making matters any better. I cried for weeks asking God, how did I get to this place, and who was going to get me out. Spirit has never failed me and again the ram in the bush, a way for me to crawl out this rathole was presented.

I joined an MLM and started Transcendent Life Managements, reborn in 2019 as Phoenix J Ma’ri Managements. After months of slinging product out the truck of my car, I knew this path of living was not fulfilling the burning desire within. I joined the Chambers of Commerce, Women Empowerment Groups, attending events and nothing. None of these were fulfilling. I was shadowing my true calling, I was not listening to the Inner Me.

I started speaking with the locals finding out the need within the community. Our teenagers were the main topic, so I started a mentoring group in 2015, Make Up Your Mind. I have worked with teens in the past, so I am thinking finally I am on the right path. I gathered a team of local business owners, and we mentored within the KISD school districts for several months. Due to the healing not being complete within this didn’t last long. At this point in my life, I was lost and anything that attracted me, I tried it. I was a travel agent, a credit repair consultant, a beauty consultant, a wine distributor, a jewelry representative, and a health and wellness coach. My business card looked like a resume’.

Still hurting and broken, I was on this path of healing and I was not stopping. I was introduced to Reiki at an event in Austin, March 2017. Two weeks later, I was in, my “birthing time”, walking in a circle for five days. I was battling the hidden pain of Rochelle’s hurt to birth Phoenix J Ma’ri. A nervous breakdown is what the doctor said, but I was in five days of labor for Phoenix. There were some bumps and crashes along the way, but finally I made to a point of peace.

I transitioned into birthing my own company in November 2017, and I began to study and implement Reiki into my life. In January 2019, I attuned my first Reiki Practitioner II. She was my first student in 2018. I was so nervous to ask her, but she trusted the gift within, and works with me when we have time. As we both grew, I created a healing curriculum, and seven women graduated from this course in December 2019. Phoenix has begun her ascension, and the her story is still being written, the best part of living Reiki.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
The hardest part is not having those close to you with you. Growing up, I knew I was different, but it wasn’t until my vision in Spirit became clearer that I understand why I spent so much time alone. I was actively involved in school activities, went out on the weekend, and I had friends. But, being alone was fine. Growing through this journey knowing the difference between alone and lonely became one of the biggest obstacles. The challenge was over standing for this journey, I am alone with Spirit because everyone will not over stand the assignment or mission given, or either Spirit has chosen for them not to walk with us.

Those visions, dreams, and words I wrote down when I was younger was the Inner Me instructing the growing, evolving me on how to stay on the right path. As I grew in Spirit, those traditional mindsets became the next obstacle. Growing up Baptist, I was so worried about what people would think about me because my faith-walk looks different. I would say removing the concerns and thoughts of others are the bumps in the middle of the road. Those are the challenges I will endure as I grow with over standing of self and others die without understanding.

Over standing along this path people have been placed in my life for a reason or a season is how I enter the new year. As we grow, people fall away or leave. It’s time to ensure people are correctly placed within the courts of my journey because I am no longer dying in mental or physical loneliness. Yes, I was lonely because I lost a part of myself when I divorced in 2015. I was grieving the loss of laughter and pillow talks at night, someone else’s hands touching me, and most of all feeling someone else’s love. Months of solitude with Spirit broke that spirit of loneliness and now I am in a state of peacefulness filled with love for myself.

Please tell us about Phoenix J Ma’ri Managements.
Phoenix J Ma’ri Managements is a growing company assisting the community through a seven-month spiritual rebirth. I am honored to state PJM Managements was birthed through the pains of me finding my purpose. The process and techniques used have been clinical tested on 11 women and proven to reset, evolve, and transcend the inner being to a higher, complete, and peaceful state.

Spirit took Rochelle through this rebirth and her Inner God-given identity; Phoenix began to rise. I am known for the transition I made from Rochelle to Phoenix in name and in personality. My family and community thought I was going crazy. “She wants us to call her what? Phoenix? For what?” I knew this process looked different to others, but I was determined to come out of bondage and feel freedom. The faith I held onto during the 18 months, is the proudest moments of my journey. I didn’t care what it looked like or how I looked. All I know, I didn’t want to look like what I had been through. The spiritual awakening and healing process I endured is why PJM Managements has evolved from being a solo faith walk to walking with others, sharing Reiki and how it has evolved our lives. Seeing the women break free from past hurts and pains and grow forth in their higher beings brings me great joy.

The leader within engulfed my path of purpose and destiny to assist the community to rise victoriously, so my main focus became finishing my degree. For some reason, if you don’t have letters behind your name, your voice is not heard. Every negative word and thought pushed me to build not only myself, but my empire. In December 2019, I completed my B.S. in Liberal Studies with a concentration in psychology, sociology, and complementary and alternative medicine. I will continue into my master’s program soon. Education with knowledge is key to building.

I would say, the 15 years of endurance with a voice of ancestral wisdom, knowledge of the mentioned three disciplines of concentration is what sets me apart from others. This spiritual awakening has been hidden from the Black community although the benefits and knowledge are known and practiced by other. With research, we will be able to prove the spiritual awakening, known as Kundalini Awakening, happening amongst the Black community is not witchcraft, but our ancestors assuring we reclaim our inheritance. We are not crazy; we are waking up. Grand Risings!

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
If I had to start over, I would make sure I take care of myself as much as taking care of others. I am grateful for the oil poured into other vessels, but where was the refill when I needed one. Self-care is an hourly thing for me now. The trials and tribulations embraced during this journey has strengthen me to stand firm in the spiritual practices of my ancestors. I spent years chasing a path of righteous which hindered me from becoming Phoenix, and that’s why my lesson learned is a story shared.


  • Evolution of Healing Y.O.U. Course….$110
  • Entrepreneur Membership…………….$ 85
  • Reiki Session……………………………$ 65

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