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Meet Averi Burk

Today we’d like to introduce you to Averi Burk.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Averi. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
When I was seven years old, I fell in love with music. My dad was a worship leader and played guitar, my mom and sister sang, so I was always surrounded by music. By the age of seven, I picked up a guitar and started playing by ear. Ever since I’ve been in love. I started playing for my sister Rylee and would barely sing because I was shy… Until one day I broke out of my shell and found my voice. My little sister has one of the most phenomenal voices I’ve ever heard and singing with her has always made me so happy. We used to sit around and just sing for hours and those were some of the best times ever.

In junior high and high school, I was a worship leader as well and started writing my own music. I released my first original song in high school on SoundCloud called “remedies” with a producer who also went to my school. It was my first time working with a producer and I loveeeeed it! He now goes by “love, rumi” so go check him out!!

After high school, I released my EP “Everything”. That project will always be so special to me. It taught me so much about myself and also the technical side of music. My parents also believed in me so much they gave me the opportunity to make this project and I am forever grateful for them. My parents have always believed in me and they have been some of the biggest blessings in my life.

Since my first EP, I’ve released a couple of singles, a full-length album, done some more collaborative projects and started performing more and more. I started performing regularly about two years ago. I did cover gigs every weekend, sometimes more than once a week. Those types of gigs really trained me in stage presence, stamina, and mental strength. I owe a lot of credit to Domingo Magana, he recruited me to be a part of “The Enablers” and without him I wouldn’t be where I am today as a performer.

Most of my musical connections come from people I’ve met through church. Chloe Gonzales who is a phenomenal photographer out of Dallas introduced me to the creative scene and without her, I wouldn’t be as connected as I am. Chloe and others have believed in me and given me the chance to perform and share my music and I am forever grateful. With these connections, I’ve done shows that consist of my original music and truly showcasing who I am.

I am now under the management of Trnd Music and I’m hungry for more than ever. Having a team of amazing people around you who believe in you truly helps me in so many ways.

I know the way I ordered this is kind of confusing but that’s how my mind works. All in all, I have been blessed with amazing people who have helped me so much with my music career. I am forever grateful. But it took a lot to get to where I am today. I am still going to be consistent and focused more than ever, it’s time to level up!!

Has it been a smooth road?
My biggest challenge is myself. I deal with anxiety and mild depression so it definitely has not been easy. There are some days I don’t want to get out of bed and some days I can’t sleep. Mental health is a huge deal to me and it needs to be talked about more in the industry. Thus, I made it my mission to help those who struggle with the same things as I do. My album “Paradise” is solely about mental health and all of the struggles I went to. When I was in my deepest depression, music got me through. My purpose is to help others always. I want to shine a light through my music for those who can’t find light. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here, you are never alone.

Can you give our readers some background on your music?
I am a musical artist, my sound is developing but I am transforming into an R&B artist with electronic and rock influences. I want my music to show who I am through sound and help those who need it.

I also am a studio musician so If you need vocals, let me know & if you need a band for an event let me know!

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I loveeeeee Deep Ellum. I feel like that’s where I fit best in Dallas. It’s so artsy and fun hahaha. Also, the live music is great!! I would love to explore performing in Deep Ellum for sure! I also love Oaklawn, I am bisexual so it is amazing to feel completely accepted and loved over there!

I would say what I like LEAST about Dallas is the traffic but that comes with any big city you can’t really avoid it…

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @averiburk
  • Twitter: @averiburk

Image Credit:
Jake Wangner, Tej Patel, Rocio Ramirez, Hope Mazi, Caden Wadsworth

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