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Meet Alyse

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alyse.

Alyse, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Music has always been apart of my community. My dad was a pastor and sang in the male chorus for most of my life. My mother also sang in the choir and around the house. My grandmother, Claudette, played the bass, and her mother, Louise, played the organ for the church. Numerous uncles, aunts, and cousins were also great singers and musicians. From birth to 12 years old, I got to sit and soak it all in at St. James Baptist Church. I am forever grateful for those moments. As a kid, I hated being trapped in the backseat forced to listen to gospel and quartets music blasting in my ears, but as an adult, it has played a major role in how I hear, feel, sing, and arrange music. I would also sneak off late at night and listen to the free music channel that came on public TV. I would pray they would play R&B and Hip Hop music before I was caught and sent back to bed.

I also found myself liking some pop and alternative too. So that’s where it all began for me. I’ve grown a lot since those days too. If you go back and listen to my older projects (Retro Revolution and Just Random Things), you’ll hear the vocal progression, writing ability, and arrangement change significantly. I’m thankful for all the help I have received along the way from producers like Justin Rhodes (A Dallas native), BiG Worm, and S.R. KTNZ. To name a few. My vocal coaches were also a vital part of my growth. Without Mark Schwartz of Super Key Studios, I would have never had the courage to get started. He gave me the boost in confidence to tap into my voice. Jeremy Bruce (Jeremy Bruce Vocal Studio) helped refine it and taught me how to access my head voice and increase my range. I can’t sing his praises enough. L.T.Z. has also been a great influence and help with my writing. He helped craft my most recent project, Claudette’s Garden. He is truly a lyrical genius and I am in awe every single time he creates.

Has it been a smooth road?
It’s never been smooth but I am finding out more and more that the longer I keep going, the better I become at knowing what I want and how to get it. Creativity has also been something that I’ve struggled with. Releasing music that doesn’t feel 1000% right is so hard for me. I’ve learned that as long as it was created from a place of love I won’t regret putting it out to the universe. Also, finding my singing voice and my lyrical voice has always been a challenge. I was so scared to create because it didn’t sound the way I wanted it to or it wasn’t clever enough or it didn’t flow a certain way. So combating the little voice is my head that says it’s not enough will always be something that I am working on.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
I’m a Singer, Model, Stage/Production Manager, and Actress. I’ve have had the privilege to work in many sides of show business and I am so grateful that I still can keep going. My superpower is melody and vocal arrangement. If you struggle in those areas and need assistance, I would love to help.

I am most proud of my new project, Claudette’s Garden. It took a year to create and is dedicated to my Grandmother. She unknowingly has bits and pieces of her wisdom sprinkled throughout the tracks. The other part that is so special was that I was able to capture my family on record with me for track 7, Going Up Yonder. It’s dedicated to our family and friends that have gone on to a better place. It meant everything to me to have my mom, dad, and cousins on the record. It really helped my family to see me in a different light because I have never been very open about my singing goals and aspirations. I was happy that I could show them the gift that they gave me. It was also extremely important for me to let the world to know that my talent is not my own. It has been passed down from generations.

What sets me apart from others is my dedication to my craft, organization skills, and desire to always get better. Once I decide that I want to know something, I leave no stone unturned. I ask questions. I continue to study and seek knowledge. I always want to be a student and keep expanding my tools in my toolbox no matter if I am on record, stage, behind, or in front of the camera.

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
COVID-19 has thrown the entire world for a loop, but the cool part about technology is that it allows us to still stay connected and create. I think the online community for streaming music and live shows will continue to grow. The online collaboration will also continue to flourish. Streaming quality will get better and have better connections too, or at least I think it will.


  • Claudette’s Garden (Physical Copies) $10.00 + 5.00 Shipping

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Image Credit:
William Raines and Rhema Levertt

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