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Meet Dr. Ronnecia Rocio of Double R Editing Services in Richardson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Ronnecia Rocio.

Dr. Rocio, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I grew up as a child of an incarcerated parent. My mom was locked up from the time I was four years of age, up until I was 31 yrs of age. You do the math. Therefore, I grew up writing A LOT of letters. By middle school, I had teachers who pushed me in writing and at that time, I became fascinated with “words” and the author’s use of words (diction). My passion has always been writing. In 2007, I obtained a Bachelors’s degree in English and became an ELAR teacher in 2008 in which I taught English (specifically writing) and Reading. By 2015, I had received my Master’s degree in Reading and immediately entered a Doctoral program thereafter immersed in more intense writing.

Because of the fact that I taught English and Reading, people ALWAYS came to me to proofread and edit their documents. Whether it was personal books, business contracts, college essays, resumes and/or cover letters. I’ve even done character letters for court proceedings-LOL. Most came easy to me and was an easy fix, but those that required more time to correct became overwhelming culminated with the everyday strides of single-parent life. I am a single mother of two and one child is special needs, so after correcting those documents that took a lot of time and hours out of my day, I told myself, “I can’t keep doing this for free.” That’s how Double R Editing Services came into existence in 2017.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It hasn’t always been a smooth road. I feel because of the fact it started out as a side hustle. By day, I’ve always been a full-time English teacher and single mother of two. At the time, I was a full-time doctoral student, as well. Juxtaposed with the struggles of raising a special needs child single-handed, working full-time, still trying to complete doctoral studies, and just managing the trails and tribulations of everyday life was a lot. I purposely didn’t advertise the business a lot in the first year because I didn’t want to take on too much that I couldn’t handle.

Then my last year of my doctoral program – something had to give so I barely took on any clients that year because I was trying to complete my doctoral dissertation study. Another challenge was the loss of my cousin, Shaquille, due to police brutality and injustice. During that time, I was asked to do the Obituary, something I had never done before and it was a difficult time to have to use my writing expertise. Not only to have to create something I never had before, but also, to have to do it for a close relative and that didn’t allow me the ability to properly grieve because I was trying to remain strong for the family, my kids, and the task I was asked to complete.

Please tell us about Double R Editing Services.
My business is Double R Editing Services. I have experience in editing essays, resumes, cover letters, reference letters, character letters, books/novels, websites, business proposals, contracts, and even doctoral dissertations. I also have expertise in qualitative phenomenology research and Black female leadership in academia, in which I serve as a Content Expert to coach doctoral learners in those areas of dissertation writing. A lot of editors don’t carry that level of expertise, so I feel that does set me apart from my competitors. I think what I am most proud of as a company is that not only am I an editor, I am also a published author. So not only am I helping others to polish their manuscripts, I am continually striving to better myself and my own experience in the meantime so that I can better serve others.

As of 2020, I have currently published two manuscripts: a doctoral dissertation titled, “Phenomenological Study of Black Female Administrators and The Rise to Leadership” and a children’s (young adult) book titled, “I Finally Told Mom,” which is actually the story of my daughter battling with her truth of being gay while growing up in a society that’s against LGBTQIA+. I currently have a scholarly journal article under review with The Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, so I definitely want to continue to learn different styles and techniques of writing so that I can service people from all walks of life, not just grammar, punctuation, and the basics.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
OMG, I’ve had so many supporters, too many to name individually. I surround myself with positive and encouraging people on a regular basis that any endeavor I set my mind to do, my family and friends are extremely supportive. I have new clients, old clients, return clients that continue to come back, and I am extremely grateful to everyone who has contributed in some sort of way to Double R Editing Services.


  • Student Essays, Books/Novels (varies on rigor) – between $25 – $35 per hour
  • Resumes, Cover Letters, Website Editing, Contracts (1-2 pgs max) – Flat Rates of $30
  • Doctoral Dissertations (per Chapter) – $150

Contact Info:

Image Credit:

Carlton Primm

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