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Meet Akbar Sheikh

Today we’d like to introduce you to Akbar Sheikh.

Akbar, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Before I found coaching I was living in an electrical closet, fifty pounds overweight, suffering from crippling anxiety, consumed by toxic relationships that held me back, lacking a burning “Why?” – a purpose in life. Because of this, I found myself in the emergency room, half dead. By god’s grace, I survived and was given a second chance in life. From done-with-you and done-for-you programs to agencies and courses, I can confidently tell you – coaching is by far the most impactful and profitable.

I believe coaching can create massive impact and as people earn more, they can give more to their families, communities, and favorite charities. Hence, making the world a better place. I’m proud to say I’m a decent husband (but you’ll have to ask my wife), father (of two kids who beat me up everyday), and philanthropist with a concentration on sponsoring orphans, giving the gift of vision to blind children and providing clean water to those who don’t any. Before I found coaching I was living in an electrical closet, fifty pounds overweight, suffering from crippling anxiety, consumed by toxic relationships that held me back, lacking a burning “Why?” – a purpose in life.

Has it been a smooth road?
Before I found coaching I was living in an electrical closet, fifty pounds overweight, suffering from crippling anxiety, consumed by toxic relationships that held me back, lacking a burning “Why?” – a purpose in life. Because of this, I found myself in the emergency room, half dead. By god’s grace, I survived and was given a second chance in life.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
We are on a mission to create massive impact through coaching and we believe that as people earn more, they can give more to their families, communities, and favorite charities – hence, making the world a better place.

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