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Meet Joshua Baker of The Retreat Restorative & Aesthetics in Rockwall

Today we’d like to introduce you to Joshua Baker.

Joshua, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I was a young surgeon with a knack for body contouring. I loved the idea of sculpting and creating the body that my patient desired right on the table before my eyes. I initially worked for other companies, building a reputation, even serving as a national trainer for body sculpting. I realized that I could improve on the process by melding cutting edge technology with my attention to detail and my well honed ability to contour living anatomy. If I needed to create what did not exist to meet my exacting needs, then that’s what I would do. So, I struck out on my own and began to formulate a process to consistently create superior results. And that brings us to today.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Opening your own business is full of challenges. As a surgeon, I was accustomed to treating patients with minimal involvement in other aspects of a medical practice. That all changed when I opened my own office because I suddenly became the HR department, IT department, Biomed department, Accounting department and on and on. Learning to implement all of these new roles and still find time for a life outside of work has been challenging.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about The Retreat Restorative & Aesthetics – what should we know?
We are a cosmetic surgery practice specializing in minimally invasive procedures. We take a holistic approach to body modification and eschew implants in favor of using the patient’s own existing tissue to augment and modify. There are hundreds of surgical practices that offer traditional approaches to body contouring that involve cutting out skin with scars and significant downtime. We fill a niche by offering an alternative to that approach by offering exclusive procedures developed in house that do not require cutting and have minimal downtime. We recently augmented a patient’s breasts with her own fat and she was back at work the next day with no scars and no restrictions on her activity. A little soreness like she worked out hard but she was able to perform and get back into doing what she needed to do. We take the time to discuss each patient’s needs and desires and offer honest evaluations and realistic expectations. I would not hesitate to turn a patient away if I do not feel like we can help him or her. I have treated many patients who received a procedure that they were told they needed by a prior surgeon, but did not address their primary concerns.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
My wife has been the biggest supporter of this project. She is a nurse and has pitched in to do everything from training new staff, to moving furniture into place, to answering calls and everything in between. She keeps an eye on the day to day details and keeps everything on track.

Contact Info:

  • Address: 3100 Ridge Rd
    Rockwall, TX 75032
  • Website:
  • Phone: 469-769-7101
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @theretreataesthetics
  • Facebook: @theretreataesthetics

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