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Meet Marsha Williamson of Dallas 24 Hour Club in Old East Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marsha Williamson.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Marsha. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I came to The 24 as a fundraising consultant in November of 2013. I can remember touring the facility and thinking that this ramshackle building is going to catch on fire and people are going to die. I was frightened by the number of homeless people who were trying to get sober who were literally crammed into every nook and cranny in an unsafe facility. By God’s design, He planted me there in an interim position as the Executive Director. All of a sudden, I could see the miracles happening, in spite of this overcrowded building, full of those just off the street. The program of Recovery was working and I was ALL IN, much to my husband’s chagrin! My gifts center around solving complex problems and boy, were there a LOT of them! We had no donor base, no website had never had a fundraiser and the little money we had in the bank was going to repair this 100+-year-old building which had not been maintained at all! We desperately needed a new building!

On top of all of that, we had no policies and procedures and were running on a short staff. I was challenged by what was in front of us, but I was ready after spending my career in the nonprofit arena. I look back and am amazed how all of the obstacles have been overcome. We have a brand new state of the art, $5.M, 14,000sf facility built on a 95% pro bono basis that our fellow Park Cities resident, Steve Van Amburgh, President and CEO of KDC, literally made happen by galvanizing the construction community and with HKS’ investment of the architectural services for free! We now have a strong foundation of community support and a super outstanding staff who are well-trained to deal with our very challenging population. We have the funds to have staff on duty 24 hours a day, which is huge! We can now focus 100% of our attention on our residents!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
If you came to The 24 for a Recovery meeting or to live, prior to the opening of our new facility in 2018, you knew inherently that “running” The 24 was not a smooth road! As stated earlier, we had no donor base, no website had never had a fundraiser and the little money we had in the bank was going to repair this 100+ year-old building which had not been maintained at all! We desperately needed a new building! Our Hubcap Cafe’ was drowning in losses, but we were keeping our new residents fed. Our dedicated staff was stretched thin, especially as they battled a bed bug infestation that resisted every treatment we tried! Our Board of Directors were passionate about our mission but were not seasoned leaders. Our mission was to keep our doors open to those who were facing life and death amidst their addiction and had no place to go AND take baby steps to enter into the 21st Century with a new plan to establish a strong foundation of donor support and a new facility.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Dallas 24 Hour Club Story. Tell us more about your work.
Our residents are welcomed into a family-like environment that promotes sobriety even if they don’t have a penny!

Our Services:
1 . Safe haven for those who have no funds. Recognizing poverty should not be a deterrent to recovery; a credit is run until the Resident can pay a nominal Guest Fee, which gives them motivation to get a job and begin the process of becoming a self-supporting member of society.
2. 3 FREE meals a day for 30 days from the Hubcap Cafe.
3. Thirty-seven [37] on-site 12-Step Recovery Meetings are held on-site weekly to promote Recovery.
4. Linens & toiletries – improves the residents’ health and hygiene.
5. Access to the Community Clothes Closet, maintained by volunteers. Clothing is donated by supporters.
6. Access to free weekly medical & mental healthcare thru the Parkland Med Van. If necessary, referred to Parkland Hospital.
7. Structure & accountability to encourage sustained recovery.
8. 24 hour a day on-site supervision and mentoring by well-trained staff members.
9. A dedicated Women’s Services Coordinator who shepherds our women. Special needs services are provided for those who have experienced a significant amount of trauma and harm as a consequence of choices made in relationship to their substance abuse. Issues involving sex trafficking and victimization are common. Significant positive results a & recovery have been observed by having a dedicated, well-trained woman in charge of guidance and mentoring.

The 24 has over 30 Resource Partners. Staff provides referrals for our Resource Partners. (i.e. detox, counseling, psychiatric care, dressing for success, new ID’s, job training, etc.) we cross-refer with many of these partners, which greatly benefits our residents. Our Success Rate is well over the national average and we are now in the process of adding a third “Phase,” which is an affordable apartment-style transitional living which will have a continuum of care designed for our Successful Graduates. Our goal is to build upon the foundation of recovery and give our grads an opportunity to learn and practice critical life skills so that they can more successfully live independently in the future.

What were you like growing up?
I was born into a very nurturing family and encouraged by my dad at a young age to be myself and not let anything get in the way of pursuing my goals. That was a bit radical for a little girl who grew up in the early 1950s. I think it must have unleashed the proverbial “Type A” driven personality who threw herself into everything with heart, mind, body and soul. I had a zest for life and enjoyed all things athletic. I loved being a “tomboy” and had no interest in dolls. Fortunately, the three girls next door embraced the outdoor, athletic life, too! I also enjoy being a spectator sportsman, even to this day. It is something that is a focal point for my husband and my sons.

Of course, the school was my best avenue for competing for good grades and leadership positions. Early on, I found that I most enjoyed solving complex problems or launching new initiatives, which has been the hallmark of my career. Deep friendships also played a significant role in my life. My lifelong interests include reading, especially books that are well-written since I am more of a technical writer. I can get easily carried away by the “story” and forget about my challenges! My nature is to give gifts to others that are “homemade,” whether it be a coconut cake (a favorite) or a knitted scar. I truly love to give to others.

Music has been another constant in my life, having been in different church and school choirs throughout my life. I married my high school sweetheart, who was the lead in our high school musical! Our family shares a deep love for all forms of music genres. My parents worked for Highland Park Presbyterian Church and we lived in a staff house across the street from the church. It became my second home. My brother and I were loved and nurtured by our neighbors who were also on staff and by so many people in our congregation. It was a wonderful childhood filled with faith. I don’t remember a day that I didn’t believe in the Lord and didn’t know of His love for me.

Contact Info:

  • Address: 4636 Ross Avenue
    Dallas, TX 75204
  • Website:
  • Phone: 214/823-3200
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @d24hourclub
  • Facebook: @Dallas24HourClub
  • Twitter: @D24HC
  • Other: LinkedIn: Dallas24HourClub

Image Credit:

Ed Lozano

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