Today we’d like to introduce you to Enrique Cruz.
Enrique, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
Two years ago, my wife passed away. It was international news. Her name was Laura Avila. Google Laura Avila Dallas and read her story. This is a podcast I did on her passing.
Before Laura passed away, we were going to open a salon in the design district. A new type of salon, a hybrid salon were we can grow, create and focus on education. We had a location and started the project. Shortly after the love of my life passed away. Working on this new salon was the last thing on my mind and as Laura passed away, so did the dream of this new salon. I lost everything.
After over two years of endless hours of frustration, sweat, blood, and tears I am proud to announce that our dream is coming true. I would not have been able to do this without Laura watching over on me. I have a very wealthy client and Laura and I were invited to their wedding. Laura sang a beautiful song and touched their hearts. When she passed that couple that had that wedding offered to put up the finances for the salon which is now tuned into a Million dollar project in the design district all in her name. I would love to honor her memory she was an amazing beautiful person, so much so that her story went international.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
From getting all the permits from the city and COVID slowing us down, this project took almost a year to start… now, we are at the finish line.
The Society – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
We are a million-dollar, 12,250 square foot luxury salon suite facility that has been created and designed by myself for myself and for you. This is not a corporation stepping in to give you an office box style area to work. This is us, personally designing this space, with you in mind, to create a type of atmosphere that has not been seen. We have revolutionized the ability to carve out your private spaces to present to your customer, yet allow you to still be a part of a larger, exciting and ever-changing society.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
Trust me that I can now tell you from experience, opening your own salon is an extremely difficult experience. I can definitely tell you some stories when it comes to working with permits. At one point, I think they possibly made me cry. Luckily, this phase is all behind us and now we are in the home stretch of finishing what has become my most prized possession.
Contact Info:
- Address: The Society
126 Oaklawn Ave Dallas, TX 75207 - Website:
- Phone: 2148702789
- Email:
- Instagram: @TheSocietySuites
- Facebook: The Society Luxury Suites
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Tim also brooks at TA visuals and
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