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Conversations with Becca Egger

Hi Becca, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Like a lot of kids, I loved carrying around a camera (or pilfering my own photos on my mom’s roll of film), and then I took a black and white film photography class in high school. I really wish I could go back and retake that class now. Then, when I was in college, I got to take my younger sister’s high school senior portraits as a kind of spur-of-the-moment accidental thing and they turned out SO WELL. Not because I was a technical hot-shot (far from it), or because I had the best ideas (did you know walking on train tracks is illegal? Ooops), but because my sister and I have a connection, and I was stubborn and worked hard to prove that connection in her photos. After seeing my sister’s photos, a friend of hers hired me, and the rest is history! A slow, grinding, full of ups-and-downs history, but history nonetheless.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as relatively smooth road?
Absolutely yes, and absolutely not. I have always had kindness and generosity meet me at every turn and have learned both in-person and online from the best in the business. My clients are loyal and speak highly of me – I couldn’t ask for anything more. And I can’t take credit for any of it. But at the same time, of course, there’s been struggle (though I hate to say it), thank goodness. Struggle is necessary for creativity to grow. Several years ago, after a long season of feeling stagnant and flat, I invested in a film camera in an effort to make the switch from digital to film. I was so stinkin excited, and so stinkin broke. After just a couple practice rolls, that camera gave out, beyond my abilities to repair. Totally dead. I was also about seven thousand months pregnant with my first baby, and the failed investment (both financially and in my heart) was extra insulting. Interestingly enough, though, instead of getting mad and swearing off film, after some time, my curiosity resurged. Eventually, I bought a different (and higher quality) camera, found the right teacher, and my business headed in the direction I’d hoped, but wasn’t sure I’d have the guts to try.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m a portrait photographer, and I work only with film. Most of my clients don’t care what medium I use – they just like the pieces they end up with, which is most definitely a win/win. I photograph families, seniors, babies, octogenarians, and everyone in between. Oddly enough, I have a lot of experience with both headshots and funerals (go figure). My most favorite project is Soul Shots, a project I started a couple years ago. Soul Shots are a take on headshots, but instead of supporting clients professionally, I support them soulfully. We sit on my living room floor, usually barefoot, and I ask a couple questions and then just listen. While we sit, I shoot a roll of black-and-white film. The folks I’ve sat with usually come to mark the end of one phase and the beginning of the next – infertility, career changes, healing from trauma but occasionally, we sit while the storm (or sun) is still present. Soul shots are deeply intimate and personal, and interestingly enough, also often readily shared, on social media or otherwise. Vulnerability serves, and vulnerability speaks.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Just encouragement – now is a great time to schedule a professional photographer. Not when you lose the weight, or when the braces are off, or when her skin clears up. There’s never going to be a day that is just, like, totally smooth and perfect. Not going to happen. So rather, let’s change the goal. Let’s move away from the idea that portraits ought to be pristine, prefect, flawless and move towards the concept of storytelling. What’s the truth, flaws and all? Which cracks and crevices are covered and filled by love? ALL OF THEM. The only guarantees we have are that things will NEVER be perfect and time WILL march on – so if your gut says it’s time for photos, don’t let your head argue back. Not to be too dark, but tomorrow isn’t promised for any of us. And, of course, I would love to be the photographer you contact, but truly, we each need to hire the person whose style and heart connects with our needs. If I’m not your girl, call the photographer who is your person! And if they cost more than what you can easily afford (I’m the first to admit that it’s hard to fit the photographer I want into our budget), consider setting a goal and saving up. Big financial goals feel SO GOOD to meet and the dividends will be enjoyed for generations.

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