Hi Trigga, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
For me, the story begins in the Uptown part of New Orleans (17th ward District) but for some people known as Hollygrove. Growing up in New Orleans, you are a force to know what life really is, my family didn’t have much while living in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the city. I never once thought music would be a career for me. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans me and my family was force to relocate in Houston, TX, where I found myself growing from writing poetry into writing songs but moving back to New Orleans in 2010. There was no way to pursue it.
In 2014 moving and walking the streets of Dallas, I found myself standing in front of a studio (Legacy Music Group) where I dropped my first track “1992,” and Trigga Thomas was created. A lot of people think my name Trigga comes from a gun, but for me it comes from my older brother Traig name, he was killed back in New Orleans in 2010 just same letters but a different pattern. Since then, I put out four projects my latest album, “What Else Is Left…” sold over 4,000 downloads and streams which make my biggest album yet. I continue to work on my music and working with artists doing features, giving advice, mentoring and give them a platform for an opportunity to show their talent in the Dallas area.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
I can’t say it has been a smooth road. Every artist has its challenges. For me, I found myself thinking too much about the quality of my music, video quality, picking the best shows, etc., because I didn’t have a manager at the time and I did everything myself, from social media to sending emails about booking inquiries. But now my manager Stac handles most of my music business.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a music artist, I specialize in all type of music not just hip hop. Right now, I have a Bounce song out called “She From Uptown” bounce music is a type of style of music we have in New Orleans. I think I’m known most for how professional I am. How I’m always on very persistent in the quality of everything I do. I’m proud of the artist I’ve grown into because I’ve spend a lot of time and money to be where I’m at now. It takes 3Ps (Prayer, Patient and Persistent). I think it’s how persistent I am, I’m mostly focused on myself.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
Well, I understand as an artist I can’t make music forever and you have a plan b. I’m starting a clothing line called TriggaThomasEst2014. I’m working towards that. Also, I’m looking to start an Artist Management group to guide upcoming artists in the indie industry.
Contact Info:
- Email: officialtriggathomas@gmail.com
- Website: www.triggathomas.bandcamp.com
- Instagram: trigga_thomas
- Facebook: TriggaThomas
- Youtube: Trigga Thomas
- SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/triggathomas