Today we’d like to introduce you to Muriel Hollins.
Hi Muriel, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My story started in Jackson, Mississippi, my hometown. I owe so much credit to my family members, especially the women I watched growing up styling hair and being naturally great at it. They influenced me, but I didn’t show genuine interest until after I pursued other ventures. The most significant leap I took was packing my bags and leaving MS for New York. I scared my mom big-time with that move, but it was life-changing, world expanding, and so necessary. I was a professional model for ten years. I was working high fashion, commercial, and runway. Modeling was a dream that gave me tools to pursue my purpose and make a real impact.
Ultimately I had to decide how much control I wanted over my future, and since I’m a 110% kind of person, I ended my modeling career and embarked on my salon ownership journey. I genuinely believe the entrepreneur spirit runs through my family and into myself. We watched our parents create opportunity for us in a city plagued with so little of it. My mother being the first generation of many things in her family of 10, taught us to be leaders and persevere even when the odds are against us. I remember going to work with my dad, a business owner, and admiring his ability to create relationships with his customers from various backgrounds. I loved seeing him use his skills not only to afford his livelihood but also to connect. I see a similar link between my work and my growing access to more meaningful engagement with my clients. I’m actively growing and expanding my Salon, Studio M Beauty Bar in Frisco, TX. We specialize in natural/healthy hair care. One of my favorite personal mantras is “Be a Light.” At Studio M, I want my clients to feel a sense of relief that they finally found a salon that understands the importance of trust, accountability, education, being solution-oriented, and having positive energy.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
There was a lot of self-discovery and growing pains. I had my cosmetology license years before I fully committed to the industry. When I thought I was ready to try the salon industry, I immediately opened my first salon suite business. Unfortunately, I had zero clients and minimum professional experience. I was all dream and drive but without a solid plan. You can probably guess that the first attempt was a fail. I referred to having to apply at a franchise salon as my punishment, but to my surprise, In one year, that particular salon assisted in making me more equipped to run my salon correctly. Once I was all set up again, I worked behind the chair seven days a week to build my business. I made many sacrifices and stayed focus even through any personal issues. My dedication was to building Studio M Beauty Bar. In what feels like a short time, I’ve grown my salon business into a 5star rating salon with over 600 5star reviews. We are currently expanding, and as exciting as it sounds, I’m treading into new territory with new challenges; nevertheless, I keep striving.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Studio M Beauty Bar?
Studio M Beauty Bar is a fashion-forward salon located in the vastly growing Frisco, Texas community. We offer a full range of specifically outlined salon services and merchandise for multi-textured clients. Our goal is to provide consistently extraordinary customer satisfaction by providing unequaled service and top-quality products in a relaxing, unmatched atmosphere. The salon’s ambiance extends to the overall character of our business; we continue to nurture a supportive, fair work environment, one which rewards diversity, creativity, and devotion to hard work. Quality training ensures our stylists are growing in excellence, benefiting our company, customers, and themselves.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
One of my never-ending goals is self-improvement—my will to be economically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually well. There is a saying, “My cup runneth over,” relating to me and my desire to be so full of substance that the people around me, whether at work or in my social circle, benefit as well.
Contact Info:
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- Instagram: @thestudiombeautybar
Image Credits
M.Lashell photography Nadja Theodore Makeup Artistry