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Check Out Kyle Cannon’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kyle Cannon.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
As a kid, I was always had hella energy and was very active whether it was sports skateboarding anything I was involved with, I was always entertaining. I even got forced by my librarian once to apply for a Storytelling festival where they would fly famous story tellers from all over the states and had local kids open up for them, which I did get accepted and ended up doing it for a little more than two years. When it comes to music, my older brothers influenced every single thing I enjoyed, especially being born in New York City I was literally bumping Nas’s “illmatic” and Jayz’s “The Black Album” in my brother’s cd player.

Growing up, I really followed my brothers in everything I did I deadass thought they was the illest dudes and I still do, I did whatever they did, basketball, skateboarding, clothes, rapping I just wanted to be like them. My brothers really gave me the blueprint too everything that I’m still to this day involved in. My brother is the one who made me become an Internet DJ, where I would be known for hosting his music and many other artist around Dalla’s songs on my soundcloud before I would learn to actually Dj. My brother is the one who introduced me to “Tay Money,” my very talented and generous friend who I officially Dj for, and has literally given me the opportunity to Dj in places I never thought id ever go honestly.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Yes!!!! Many challenges along the way, lots of mistakes, embarrassing moments, and just lessons you got to learn the hard way. But it’s very much all a part of the process and the experience.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a Club/Tour DJ. I specialize in bringing the energy wherever I go. I’m known for Djing for Tay Money and at Colleges around Texas an nearby states. I believe my sauce really sets me apart. I’m a New York kid raised in the south, I feel like I got an upper hand on things from understanding two different sides of culture, especially in the music and creative side of things.

Image Credits
All photos taken by; Troy Rickmers Art work: Dylan Lueking

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