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Rising Stars: Meet Cheryl R. Dunbar

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cheryl R. Dunbar. 

Hi Cheryl, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I guess you could say the idea of LemonSpirations with Cheryl (LWC) started in a department store. A navy maxi skirt covered with lemons caught my eye. For some reason, the skirt just spoke to me. I know that probably sounds strange, but it just did. As I put the skirt up to my waist and looked into the full-length mirror, I saw myself speaking before others telling them how to turn life’s lemons into lemonade. Perhaps, it’s because that’s what I was doing at the time. You see, about three months prior, I had been blindsided with a divorce. I was given the notice of abandonment and evacuation with about 30 days to move. With a long way to go and a short time to get there, I didn’t have the luxury of nursing the whiplash effect. I had to get busy packing. There was so much work to be done. Once moved and somewhat settled, I began the adjustment of a new life and got busy living. As a frequent poster on social media, I would share my comings and goings, along with pictures in a storytelling fashion. Almost immediately, people saw a happier me transform right before their eyes, but most didn’t know why. I didn’t really discuss my divorce. I was just living and enjoying life. My posts turned more into blogging; I was actually journaling my journey back to the sweet life, without knowing it and inspiring others along the way, while also inspiring myself. After many questions and to connect better, I felt compelled to put a stake in the ground one year from the date that I received my abandonment news as a Facebook post. I basically acknowledged that I had made it through one year of a life change (not stating divorce) – #Cheryl 365. The post was well received! The numerous reactions had one common thread. They admired my resiliency. From there, I built a following and a brand. People loved my energy, positive spirit, and love of life shared through my posts and videos. Followers would return every morning for my daily inspiration of the day. I received countless messages from followers about how my posts helped them look at lemons in a different way. My followers gave me numerous nicknames: Lemonade Girl, Lemonade Lady, Miss Lemonade, Lemonade Queen, Miss Sunshine and more and I answer to them all. They also gave me life and let me know in return I did the same for them. I didn’t know so much lemon stuff existed. I begin to wear lemon clothing, accessories and got a variety of lemon props. Soon I was receiving lemon gifts. Then the messages and pictures would come if someone saw something lemon. One day, I received a phone call from someone, telling me they loved how I had branded myself with the lemons. I never really thought about it like that. It was not like I set out to do this. So, I say I guess I branded myself without really trying. It was just how I rebounded. I cannot tell you how many people say to me; “every time I see a lemon, I think of you.” The Lemonade Chronicles – From Lemons to Lemonade, My Journey Back to the Sweet Life birthed LemonSpirations with Cheryl. And that’s how I got to where I am today.

Would you say it has been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Yes, the road has been relatively smooth. The story basically took on a life of its own. One of the struggles was/is COVID. I was preparing for a show to bring stories that inspire with live guests. I also wanted to do workshops. It just wasn’t a good time to do in-person interviews and to have gatherings. People were and are still conscious about crowds. And yes, ZOOM was an option, but not how I envisioned it or wanted it to be. So, I postponed that. However, I did have my first LemonSpirations with Cheryl event, titled “Girl, Come Get Your Zest Back!” in October. It was a collaboration with Candi Bleu, owner of LipSerVce, where we discussed self-care from the inside out. I was shopping with her, and we really were just chitchatting about her business and my desire to do a show. She was looking to do something to bring people into her store and thought it would be perfect because it could offer a small intimate gathering. Before I left the store, she was creating a Save The Date that dinged my phone as I pulled into my garage. She produced a fabulous flyer and we had so much fun promoting. As we decided what to serve refreshment-wise to try and be COVID friendly, once again I was blown away by sponsors who supported me. One was Lizzie Lu Luxury Treats, who donated delicious individually wrapped gourmet cookies and what else LEMONADE! Kevin Bush, with Sewell Automotive donated the bottled water. Cory Merchant with FastSigns (Irving Belt Line location) designed me a beautiful interactive photo prop for my guests to take photos with. And last but not least, LipSerVce made gift bags filled with goodies for the guests. It was amazing. We laughed and cried and people shared their testimonies. It was so powerful. It warmed my heart that my platform gave them an opportunity to do that. I would also like to acknowledge the first person that offered to sponsor LWC was Sara LeMane (Po’ Melvins Restaurant). Shortly after we became Facebook friends, I went in one day to pick up a to-go order. She came over and excitedly said; “what is it that you do? I’ve been following you.” I had no idea. She thought I was perhaps a life coach. They have a private dining room which she thought would be perfect for me to host a event in. I look forward to that.

Another small challenge is I created a Facebook Page just for LemonSpirations with Cheryl, which I would like to grow. People like the page but won’t really follow it. I cannot get them to move from my personal page. Also likes and comments really help the algorithms, but not everyone will do that. I will run into people all the time that tell me about something I posted. When I give that look of surprise, they say; “Oh, I follow you I just don’t comment.” So, you never know who’s watching and of course, I want to expand my audience. So, I just keep going like a million people are watching.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
My mission with LemonSpirations with Cheryl is to inspire people to look on the positive side of lemons and life and to get their zest back. We’ve all gone through something. I’m very relatable and open. I used my situation to make me better not bitter. My famous saying is: “When life throws you lemons, you add the sugar!” You don’t necessarily have to make lemonade – just make it sweet. But it’s also not just about sour situations. Although it started from there, it has grown and taken on a whole new life. It is about giving light in dark times and know that better is coming. Additionally, it is about inspiring stories, for example, how an entrepreneur took an idea and turned it into reality or how someone paid it forward and gave back. I can’t wait for God to bring this all to fruition in HIS perfect timing – not mine – as He uses me to be a vessel.

I live my life out loud on purpose. Why? Because in my darkest hours, I promised God that I would turn my test into a testimony and my mess into a message. It doesn’t mean that everything is great, but each day is another day is HIS presence to share HIS goodness of how HE brought me through. I am most proud of how my openness to share my story has helped others. My inbox brings tears to my eyes when I read comments like: Thank you I needed to hear this today. I’ll never look at lemons the same again. Please keep inspiring us.

I have enjoyed life as a multi entrepreneur. I am known for my first business, Dunbar’s Upper Crust, Gourmet Pecan Pies and Pastries, (“If it’s DUNBAR’S, it’s DONE RIGHT!”), Just Set The Mood, Special Events by Design, and my entertaining and educational board game about Tea Time – TEAGO (not just a game, it’s a social event.) Currently, I’m known for She by Cheryl – Savvy Shopping (personal shopper and stylist) and LemonSpirations with Cheryl (blogger and speaker).

So, whether we’re Talking Desserts, Events, Tea, Fashion, or Lemonade, I’m available to come to talk to you.

We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
Success to me is living my life freely and purposefully. It is about lifting spirits, giving hope, and changing lives one lemon at a time. When I receive a message that I have touched someone’s life or made their day brighter, that is success to me.

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: @ccherylwithaC
  • Facebook: LemonSpirations with Cheryl
  • Youtube: Cheryl R. Dunbar

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