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Community Highlights: Meet Megan Unsworth of Life on Fire

Today we’d like to introduce you to Megan Unsworth.

Hi Megan, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
YES! I love what I get to do for a living. I am truly living my dream life… and it all started from overcoming my own limiting beliefs, hardships, and childhood traumas. I grew up in a home where angry outbursts and holes in the wall were normal things. I was raised for part of my life by my grandmother, aunts, and uncles. When I reached the age of six and a half, I moved into a trailer park with my dad and step-mom where I experienced physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Age eight my father had passed away and the summer before I turned nine, I was reunited with my mother. The first nine years of my life I moved schools 4 different times, I was always the new girl – who was made fun of… and as a result, I had low self-esteem, I felt unworthy and unloved. I was fearful that I would always get hurt and therefore I wouldn’t let people get close to me, because I thought they would leave or they would hurt me. At the age of 20, while studying psychology and going to a therapist, I decided that I was going to make shifts and changes in my life. That I wasn’t going to allow what happened in my life to become my life’s story… rather a part of it. I made a conscious decision to get to the root of what was holding me back, to break free from my past and build my dream life.
After going to seminars, reading self-help books, and getting a mentor – I started to catch a vision of what I wanted my ideal life to look and feel like. And then I took action to make it happen.

People around me started to see transformation in my life and started asking me questions and that is when I stepped into becoming a coach in 2008.

I wanted to see other people break free from their own limiting beliefs and go for their dreams.

In 2014 I met my husband and together we have Life on Fire. We are a faith-based coaching company helping people achieve their God-Given Potential© in life and business.

Today we have helped over 50,000 entrepreneurs, authors, experts, speakers, and executives get clear on their vision, create a success roadmap and launch into action.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Life is a journey and part of the journey of life and learning from the ups and the downs. Although it hasn’t been a smooth road, it’s been an amazing learning experience. I have looked at the glass as half full – I am always looking for the silver lining or meaning behind anything that might look like a setback. As a believer, I go to God and say, “Lord, I know that there is meaning in all that has happened, show me what that looks like.”

In business we have faced betrayal, losing clients due to partnerships gone wrong, and financial setbacks – and yet we still rose to the occasion and kept pressing forward and persevering. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Life on Fire?
I am a life and business coach specializing in helping faith-based entrepreneurs, authors, experts, speakers, and c-level executives build their dream life, by creating more profit and getting more time back.

My clients gave me the title “Queen of Coaching” – in a matter of minutes I can see, hear, and feel what is holding a client back – we can dive deep to get to the root issue and break free to create space for what they want out of life and business.

What sets me apart from others is that I have developed my own coaching modality that provides rapid breakthroughs which creates mindset shifts, new neural pathways being created so that my clients can be on the fast track to living out their purpose and building their dream life.

What I specialize in is mindset coaching to help others increase their income, influence, and impact… by letting go of what was and creating possibilities of what lies ahead of them. Each person has a vision, dream, a goal that they want to achieve. I help them get there by asking the right questions and mentoring them based on my years’ experience to go to new levels in life.

I am most proud that we decided in 2020 to take all of our skills, knowledge, and talent and pivot to helping faith-based men and women unleash their God-Given Potential© and since we made that pivot in 2020, we have helped over 3,000 faith-based entrepreneurs turn their idea into reality and they launched their businesses online.

We believe in building the kingdom in the marketplace and God has called us for such a time as this.

If you are ready to say YES to vision and go all-in on yourself and God… we have a free gift to help you get clarity. It’s called our Life on Fire Challenge. This was a LIVE training we did at the beginning of the year and the content will help you get clear on your vision, create that success road map and launch into action.

We also offer 1:1 coaching with a certified Life on Fire Coach to hold you accountable. We know that most people fall short because there is a lack of accountability. We provide that accountability inside of our Accelerate Coaching Program.

What’s next?
We are so excited that we just added the finishing touches on our brand-new studio which we will be utilized for content creation, interviews, podcasts, and building our YouTube channel. We want to offer free content to help, inspire, and create possibilities for people.

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