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Rising Stars: Meet Eric Roberts

Today we’d like to introduce you to Eric Roberts.  

Hi Eric, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
According to my mom, I started singing since I could talk. I used to run Mariah Carey’s number ones VHS tape on rewind constantly studying and just mesmerized. I knew this is what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. My dad and I would go to our little home music room and just record covers for hours just having fun. Keeping the passion alive I had music stay with me through the years when I was 15-20, I would record my own covers of songs and upload them to sound cloud, eventually, I knew I was capable of writing my songs and pursuing my own visions with music. I eventually started making my own songs when I was 21 and constantly, I’ve been working on this stuff trying to perfect my craft. Now I’m a star and I’m ready to show the world my projects and hopefully inspire people to live truly to themselves and keep their passions alive. 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I was a multiracial gay teenager growing up in a world where everyone around you is stuck on society’s vision of what’s normal and what’s not. Young adults go through so much in life that could be mental health, finances, toxic relationships when does one get a break? We push forward and we keep going. No excuses live is not easy you use the bad moments and you let it fuel your fire. 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I like to create content, either that be music-making a really cool post for insta gram or doing a really cool haircut. I’ve done hair for 8 years, being a stylist allows me to express myself with no boundaries and it tied into all my other crafts. My music on the other hand, if I had to put it in a category which I don’t like to do it would probably be pop. But I definitely feel my lifestyle shifting more towards a dance style. Ultimately, I want my music to make people move. 

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
Honestly, there’s a saying out there to surround yourself with people who want what you want and it’s very true. When you set yourself up on that path to grow you truly will learn so much. You can never know too much. Be open and free and willing to learn from anyone and anything. 

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