Today we’d like to introduce you to Laila Miller.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I began full-time ministry as a young girl of 19 years of age. Serving early on as Associate Pastor, from there I pioneered my own church, and later transitioned to traveling as a speaker both nationally & internationally. After an ugly divorce, my ministry went on hold. And, I had to start all over again. I lost everything- house, ministry, car, all of it. I found myself standing alone. It was my son and myself. I went back to school, raised my son, and walked out my life lost, lonely, and depressed. BUT GOD!!! He never left me! He had other plans!!! I saw His hand from time to time but refused to “see it”, refused to acknowledge it. I was angry at Him. After all, I gave him everything only to lose it all years later! HE never gave up on me. He kept subtly showing up to remind me of His love. Fast forward, and 10 years later I met my husband I am now married to. Together we are business owners. God has blessed us above & beyond what I could ever ask for or dream of. I am currently involved in a sister duo ministry- SorellaLIVE. Sorella means sister in Italian. We are reaching women all over the world. Speaking into their lives a message of hope and fueling women to step out and embrace all that God has for them! I have just completed a book where I was part of an Anthology with other powerful women from all over the world! Women of Power Ignited to Serve!! Our platform is growing! We are seeing women from ALL levels of society experiencing God’s love and His presence that changes lives!
If you have been told it is impossible. You can’t do it. You won’t make it. Take those words and LAUGH! God is not only willing to change your life … HE IS ABLE!!!
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I ended up getting divorced. I was a minister. My husband was a minister. My father was a minister. I was supposed to be perfect!!! But I wasn’t. I had hit a wall. I was broken and falling apart! The challenge was starting all over again. The only thing I ever knew was ministry and speaking. Because of the divorce, I was no longer able to do that. Now, it was time to re-invent myself! And, so the journey began, and with God, I DID!
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Currently, I am now working with my husband, He has a successful company that we run together. It’s in the trading business. But that is not my passion. My heart is back in reaching people!!! I love people, and I love sharing God’s love with people!!! Here is an example of what I call, Adventures in God:
The Story of AMA~
My husband and I were flying home. At the end of our flight, I heard the man behind me sharing with the airline stewardess that he was flying from Philly to MN for a funeral.
His nephew suddenly passed away. They were very close, and they had made many plans for this year so that they could spend more time together. He was obviously heartbroken.
As I listened, I suddenly got that “nudge” that I needed to reach out to him. I looked at my surroundings to see “HOW” I would do this. After looking around I said, “No, God there is NO way. I can barely make out what he is saying between his accent and the mask, so it will be difficult to have a conversation. This just will NOT work.” But … I couldn’t get any peace. So, I finally said, “Lord, if you really want me to reach out to him you will need to make a way.” I waited as everyone was getting off the plane. It was busy and rushed.
I said to the Lord, “Well, clearly this will not work. It’s too rushed.” As Jeff and I filed off the plane we continued to walk through the airport to baggage claim. Suddenly, I heard this man behind us.
I kept my ears open, and it was obvious it was my “time” to reach out. I turned around and helped him find his way through the airport. And then, I said … I heard you sharing with the flight attendant as to why you are here.
With emotion, he said, YES. I asked, what happened? He told me his story about how close he and his nephew were. They had made plans for this year to travel and spend a lot of time together. His nephew suddenly passed from a heart attack. UGH … I said, I am so sorry to hear this. I asked him, what is your name? He said AMA. I asked, AMA where are you originally from? He said, Liberia. I told him my name was Laila, and we spoke for a bit. Then I put my arm around him. I said, AMA it is so nice to meet you. Do you know God loves you so much HE actually put it on my heart to reach out to you? And, Ama I am going to pray for you. He said, REALLY!?! I really need that. Oh, TANK You. I said, of course. But I am going to pray for you right here in the airport. He turned to me, and enthusiastically said, OH TANK You!!! (With his Liberian accent). Thank you Lord! I need this!!!
He reached out for me, and I took both his hands, pulled him closer to me, and right in the middle of the airport I started to pray over him. I prayed blessings and spoke the Peace of God over his life. I prayed God would help him to get through this difficult time in his life, I prayed for his family, etc… During this prayer, he kept shouting with emotion, TANK YOU JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS!!! At the end, I hugged him. We were both so happy to have met!!! It was SO wonderful! I live for these encounters!!!
You see, this man already had a relationship with God. But he needed someone during this time of grieving to remind him HE WAS NOT ALONE. That GOD did not forget about him. That GOD was with him even during this very difficult and sad time in his life. You see … if you remain open and ready to move when God speaks, we can ALL be used to touch people we encounter every day on a daily basis. SO MANY HURTING PEOPLE and WE HAVE THE ANSWER… let’s SHARE what we have!!! #Godsplan
What do you think about happiness?
My Family, I am Italian. We have a saying, La Famiglia e Tutto. The family is everything!! I grew up in a very European home. My Mother from Norway. My Father’s family from Italy then settled in Brooklyn, NY. There is nothing sweeter than being surrounded by your family, the sound of their voices and laughter!! It’s what fills my heart most and where I am at peace.
Contact Info:
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- Instagram: @IG
- Facebook: Sorella Live @FB
Image Credits
Pamela Henkel
Jaresha Moore