Today we’d like to introduce you to Helen Watson Galarowicz.
Hi Helen, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hello, my name is Helen Watson Galarowicz. I grew up in a household where astrology and fortune telling were practiced daily. My mother, Connie Hughes, was a prominent astrologer in the Dallas area and began teaching metaphysics to me at an early age. Even though I went on to college and ultimately worked as a model for many years, I continued to expand my knowledge and practice of metaphysics. Since then, I have studied and practiced to perfect my psychic abilities. I am well-practiced in fortune-telling by readings of Tarot, plain deck cards, and crystal balls. Areas that I am also strongly suited in are, Astrology, Numerology, Spiritual Mediumship, Feng Shui, healing crystals and candles, seeing auras, handwriting analysis, and Reiki healing.
I can perform Reiki healing and readings either in person or by distance.
I currently teach classes in Astrology, Tarot reading, and White Candle Meditation. I have been reading cards, my specialty, for 40 years and have clients who have been returning to me for many years.
My readings will reveal valuable insights into personal situations such as Work, Business, Family matters, Love & Marriage, Buying & Selling Property, Legal Affairs, and Personal Relationships.
All readings will be held with total confidentiality.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
After becoming disabled I needed a way to keep myself active. While I had been doing psychic work part-time for many years, I had to set myself up to be more available to the public. Getting onto local fairs at first was a challenge until my reputation was established. I am now well known in the DFW area.
How to market myself was a challenge. I decided to forgo the marketing of myself through social media and websites as I am not tech-savvy. I decided to expand my exposure thru word of mouth and referrals. I set up a weekly schedule with rates and Bio that I email to all my clients. This is easy for my clients to forward to interested friends and family so I now have clients throughout the country. It was a long road to follow, but for me has been the best avenue.
As with most people getting through Covid lockdowns was a challenge. All the fairs were shut down. I set up my own what I called the “Non-Fair Phone Fair” on the weekends. I did phone readings at the fair prices and was able to keep myself busy and my clients served.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a psychic medium. I specialize in Tarot readings. Areas that I am also strongly suited in are, Astrology, Numerology, Spiritual Mediumship, Feng Shui, healing crystals and candles, seeing auras, handwriting analysis, and Reiki healing. I am most proud of being able to help my clients with personal situations such as Work, Business, Family matters, Love & Marriage, Buying & Selling Property, Legal Affairs, and Personal Relationships. I think what sets me apart from others is that I really care about helping my clients spiritually.
What’s next?
My plans for the future is to adapt to future conditions and continue providing quality service to my current and future clients.
- 20 minutes for $55
- 30 minutes for $80
- 45 minutes for $110
- 1 hour for $135
- Fair prices $45 for 20 minutes $60 for 30 minutes $85 for 45 minutes $110 for an hour