Today we’d like to introduce you to Trae Jackson.
Hi Trae, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
What’s up?!? I go by the alias TJ Spacey. My music fascination began very early in my life. My father had me free-styling (or at least attempting to) since I was like 6. I’ve always moved back and forth between my separated parents. My dad hosted a religious household, where the only music we could listen to was Christian music. My mother on the other hand was extremely laid back and put me on to late 90’s-early 2000s hip hop and r&b. I’m extremely appreciative of getting put on to so much of that music early in my life because I believe it shaped who I am as an artist. I feel like very early I developed an ear for versatility. I actually began making music in Houston after a 2017 xxxtentacion show during the “Revenge!” Tour. A middle school friend of mine, Drew, pulled up on me to attend the show and just so happened to bring all of his music-creating equipment. After being shown some of his beats, picking one, writing to it, and going through the creative process, I knew this is what I was going to do. Although, with it being my first track, it wasn’t a “hit”. But there was definitely a strong base. Even from my first song the talent and potential is easily acknowledged. This kept me hungry. I proposed to Drew, being the only person, I knew at the time with engineering knowledge, that we get a spot with my brother, Jacob, and go all out making music. This happened and exponentially sped up finding my sound and increased my ability to make music all around. It’s been 4 years since I’ve moved back to SA and I can say that my music-creating ability is reaching an elite level. Though I haven’t aligned with those major aspects that will help me reach the next level, I know when people hear me, they are often blown away at what I can do lyrically, as well as fitting the flow to a song.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
No road to success comes without obstacles. A major obstacle I’d like to address to inspire to beat is yourself. You are only going to go as far as you see yourself going. Wanting to “make it” isn’t enough. You have to wake yourself up with the mentality of “what can I do to make myself, my life, and my music better today”. Whether it be experiencing, apprehending knowledge, meeting new people, releasing the negatives, etc. There are obstacles that are always going to force their way on your path. It is up to you to hurdle them or let them trip you up. And then of course there are personally specific obstacles. I do want to say that obstacles aren’t necessarily always negative. They are simply things that happen that in most cases need to be attended to before continuing on your path. When I found out I was going to be a father my world was shook. I knew I always wanted kids (and still want more). But I also knew what a dedication and commitment I’m prepared to give them. Meaning I’d likely have to step away from dreams and aspirations I have, to ensure they have the best life I can provide for them. This is the most beautiful and life-altering obstacle I’d have to overcome if I had any plan in making it musically and artistically. My daughter is my light. She guides me to be the best father, man, and artist I can be. Although what once seemed to be an obstacle has metamorphosed into what drives me to do what I do great, even better.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’d hate to box myself in as a “rapper” or “singer” or even “musician”. I like to express myself as a creative in all aspects, with my true calling being an all-around performer. With that being said I know my natural root is a “rappy” core. I have a knack for lyricism and putting together metaphors and entendres comes almost effortlessly at this point. Combine that with flows that just can’t be replicated really makes me stand out. After listening to a single song, I often encourage you to listen again because there ARE things you missed. People often hear and remember the fast raps or the energy I give off on stage when it is truly deeper than that. When people hear my music, I want them to relate. I want them to feel something I said, or a theme I’m expressing. I am honing my ability to inspire, which I know will propel me in this game. What sets me apart from others is my sheer drive and versatility. I feel like nowadays an artist is so quick to claim they are versatile. I don’t agree with that term being claimed lightly, especially when all you’re doing is rapping. Those who I am inspired by have taught me that true versatility is vulnerability. It’s stepping out of your comfort zone and normality to create an artistic expression that the people haven’t heard, seen, or felt before. I feel like the broad generality of my music is multi-genre. I am proud of the music I make and cannot wait until it is broadly appreciated on a wide-scale platform.
Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
Some people believe I am intimidating or harsh. While I am unapologetically truthful, I feel like I am an extremely friendly and personable individual. I enjoy company as well as collaborations and meeting new people. I feel like distant fans also don’t know I do more than just music. Like I said I am a natural performer. I initially wanted to go to college for film school or musical theater. I love to act and am currently writing a short film that will tie into my next collaboration album drop. I have a deep-seeded love for music, but pure artistic expression is my passion. I intend to use any platform I can to accomplish promoting everything I create. I am also a beginner bass guitarist.
- Features & Collaborations: Free if you pay for studio time
- My Studio Engineer: $50/hr
- Song Critique/Opinion: $5
- Song Repost on all Social Medias:$15
Contact Info:
- Website: https://linktr.ee/Tjspacey
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/tjspacey.ig?igshid=NWRhNmQxMjQ=
- Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/trizzytraejay
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/wyaqMR_ZRaY
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/ohRrPuN8LNM4FJFU8
Image Credits