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Community Highlights: Meet Amber Reyes of Vash Event Design

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amber Reyes.  

Hi Amber, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
It’s important to mention that I am a proud Mexican – American business owner, I love that I can represent my culture in the event industry. I want to show others that look like me that anything is possible and the dream our parents and grandparents fought for and the sacrifices they made weren’t for nothing. 

I was raised in an entrepreneur family: there are 4 generations of business owners before me, it’s in my blood! After high school I attended Wade College and graduated with a degree in Fashion Design & Merchandise Marketing, there I fell in love with designing and constructing something beautiful out of “nothing”! 

In January 2020, after being a stay-at-home mom for 2 years, I was ready to work again. Then BAM! a global pandemic hits us and everything shuts down. But this was my chance to finally start my own business and do something that truly brings me joy but I had no idea what. I started praying about it and researching what I should do and one evening it hit me and I heard it so clearly “event decorating” – it was literally a “Duh!” moment! Duh, because I have been decorating events for family and friends and at my church since 2012, I just never knew there was such thing as an event industry, it was just a fun hobby for me. 

In April of 2020 Vash Event Design was born; my niche – balloon garlands! Now, 2 years later, we have expanded to full-service photo backdrops. I love creating custom backdrops for my clients where they can create memories that will last a lifetime! 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Coming from an entrepreneur family, my journey has been fairly smooth. They provide me with so much support and I can go to them for advice or to vent when needed. But I would say an obstacle that does arise every now and then is imposter syndrome. Sometimes I question if I’m “qualified” enough or if my designs are good enough. I think as designers we are too hard on ourselves but it’s also a good thing because I’m always challenging myself and learning new things. 

Being different and standing out in a saturated market can be challenging also. With my background in the fashion industry, it’s very important to me to stay ahead of the trends and be a trendsetter. But when certain themes are very popular and everyone is doing them, it can be challenging to design something different and think outside of the box. 

When these challenges arise, I always remind myself that I was created to do this. Being an event designer is my calling in life! 

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Vash Event Design?
The name Vash is an abbreviation for Vashtí. In Persian, it means “Beautiful”. My goal is to create photo backdrops and focal points that are as unique and beautiful as my clients! At Vash, we specialize in custom photo backdrops, florals, and balloon styling for all occasions. I provide a full-service experience to all of my clients and all of my backdrops are custom to them, no two backdrops will look alike. 

I like for my clients to have a stress-free experience – they tell me their theme and budget and I get to work creating something exclusively for them. I work best when they trust me 100% and allow me creative control! 

Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs, or other resources you think our readers should check out?
My favorite apps are Instagram and TikTok – I spend way too much time on TikTok! I’m obsessed with business podcasts and some of my favorites are “The Bright Balloon”, “The Jasmine Star Show”, and “The Girl Gang”. 

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Kate Pease Photography

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