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Daily Inspiration: Meet Edgar Trevizo

Today we’d like to introduce you to Edgar Trevizo.  

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My name is Edgar Trevizo, but better known as ET. Born in Dallas and raised in Irving and Grand Prairie. 

I started exploring photography in the begging of this year 2022. However, I am not a complete stranger to the photography world. I knew I really enjoyed taking pictures back when all I had was an iPad camera to work with when I was little. It helped a lot too that I genuinely loved art. I would take a picture and use the images as references to some of my artwork. Eventually, once I got into high school, I started getting involved in Graphic Design, Art Drawing, Art History, Audio Video Production, and AP Studio which were the classes that really help develop my artistic and creative skills. 

Early into high school, I would initially take an image to use as a reference as I had before and create drawings that described my story. After some time, I had realized my art was already in the image itself, and I began to dive more into photography my last year taking AP Studio. Despite the scoring of my portfolio, it only motivated me more to continue taking images. Up until now, my photography has only grown from here, and it has helped me show people what I have been through without having to speak. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Some of the battles I faced towards my photography has not really been from criticism from others, but more so myself. One of my most difficult challenges I have faced is that it can be difficult to appreciate the work that you do and/or think it is not good enough. I can be hard on myself which can be good at times, but sometimes I take it too far where I become disappointed for putting hyper unrealistic expectations on myself. I feel like I have to work twice as hard to prove to people that my art should be recognized. Trying to find a balance where I can appreciate my work but also have a positive space for growth. 

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
My work can depend on the job I’m required to do. One day I’ll be asked to maybe take some family photos, take some graduation pictures, some prom pictures, or it can be a day where I get more artistic with my photography. It all comes down to what the customer wants as long as I can deliver what they asked for. 

I’m most proud of the fact that I did not back away from continuing to do photography, especially now that I have a professional camera that I work with. 

As far as to what makes me apart from others is my story. The stuff I have been challenged with since I was a child makes me want to take a different approach to how people view photos. Hoping that I can make people feel some of type of emotion or to take action. 

Are there any books, apps, podcasts, or blogs that help you do your best?
My favorite book that I have ever read is called “Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved” by Kate Bowler. Bowler’s shares her experience living with cancer and the book really just opened my eyes. If anything, I always go back to it to remember how lucky I am to be okay. I’ve had one person who I really love last year battle cancer, and seeing them go through that was so difficult to not just me, but everyone closes to her. Luckily everything is okay, but sometimes I won’t give up, and I just remember if she survived through that, I can definitely overcome everything else. I do it for her. 

Image Credits

Edgar Trevizo

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