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Check Out Jordan Rhodes’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jordan Rhodes. 

Hi Jordan, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started my acting career in Baltimore, MD when I received an acting scholarship to The Hilltop School of Theatre & Dance, later it became The Baltimore College of Dramatic Arts. The school also operated The Hilltop Theatre located in Harpers Ferry, W. Va. I got my first “professional” acting job at The Hilltop Theatre in a production of a rather famous play entitled “Dracula.” I continued to work in theatre in Baltimore in a number of productions until a director pushed me to leave and go to NYC, where he believed I could actually make a living as an actor. I took his advice, moved to NYC, and joined an actor friend I had met in Baltimore and his two roommates in a large two-room apartment on the upper Westside of Manhattan. Got myself numerous survival jobs, selling shoes, parking cars, Page at Radio City Music Hall, Host at a number of upscale restaurants, and a Page at The Four Seasons restaurant, where I met a number of famous actors & actresses during various special functions at the Restaurant. I auditioned at every chance I had and got my first Professional Summer Stock in Ohio as their young leading man. This was my first Actors Equity Job, and I became a member of the AEA union. Later back in NYC, I was hired for my first Screen Actors Guild role, also got hired on daytime TV, and became a member of the AFTRA union, which has now joined SAG and become SAG/AFTRA. Shortly after, I moved to Hollywood, joined an actors acting group, began to appear in some rather upscale theatrical productions, won a role on the Peyton Place TV series, which led to other TV roles. I began to do guest roles in many TV series, Movies-of-the-Week, Recurring roles on three successful TV series, and a number of films. I have since written & starred in an award-winning play based on the life of Ernest Hemingway, written & directed a documentary based on The American Cowboy starring Chuck Connors, directed a number of commercials and a couple of lesser-known plays, and currently have completed my autobiography, “The Life of a Blue-Collar Actor,” which is available on I am also looking to film a Documentary based on my Book and will give the viewing audiences a view of the lives of “Blue Collar Actors.” Jordan Rhodes 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It was never SMOOTH. There is no such thing for the majority of working actors that come into this business with no connections. No famous mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, cousins, or know any famous Stars, directors, or producers. When you come from a background like mine, very poor family, spending your summers working on your uncle’s sharecroppers tobacco farm, you’re just lucky to have a desire and be able to develop any God-given talent you might have that helps you get lucky enough to make a living at a job and career you love! Struggles along the way – you bet!!! Think of all the survival jobs you have to work at while auditioning and hoping to just land an acting job! Then later, if you’ve been lucky enough and good enough to get the job – you hope you can get another one! It never stops for a “working actor.” Most of us think we may never get another job after we just finished one! Additional disappointments are all the “big jobs” – you didn’t get! And as many good jobs as I’ve been fortunate enough to get, I still think about a few of the “career-changing” ones I didn’t get!!! 

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I can only suggest you visit my website and social media presence in order to learn about my work. I’m an actor, writer, and director. I’ve been successful in all of those fields, plus I’ve enjoyed also being a producer with three of my projects, including a play, an award-winning filmed production of a play, and a Documentary that “sets me apart” from others, even though I would not claim that title. The work that we actors perform takes a great deal of collaboration and more than most jobs require. 

In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
It is all becoming much more “Star oriented” – big budgets and less small human-interest projects. I’m not looking forward to it. 


  • $19.95 for my Book

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