Today we’d like to introduce you to Marissa LeJune.
Hi Marissa, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
My journey into the pet care industry started in college. As a college athlete, it was tough to find a job that was willing to work with my school, practice, and constant game traveling schedule. So instead, I started my own pet care business and designed my schedule so I was taking care of clients’ dogs in-between college classes/practices and on the weekends when we would have home games. Anyone that ever knew me, quickly learned that I loved dogs with all my heart so I loved the opportunity to care for others dogs throughout my day. After I graduated with my master’s, I quickly realized that a 9-5 desk job wasn’t for me. With the help of the father of my child who also doubles as my business coach, he helped me see that the job I was out searching for was right in front of me the whole time. He challenged me to face my fear and take my dog business full time. Once I made the commitment I never looked back! Tail Swaggers doggie daycare was born and has now transitioned into an all-in-one doggie daycare where we specialize in working each dog mentally and physically in a structured environment and providing them with world-class luxury care.
All the time I spent caring for people’s dogs in college helped me see that dogs thrive off having a daily routine. Just like we do. There was also something I saw that was missing in the pet care industry. Most daycares and boarding facilities I ever knew of didn’t provide proper structure for people’s dogs. It was just a free for all and there was always a ton of dogs in one tiny location. There were no routines, no boundaries, and no learning. That’s where I wanted to be different in my industry. Yes, I love to let the dogs have fun but I knew it was also important we helped them learn and grow mentally. Being a mother, I saw how normal it is for our kids to learn and be provided with structure when they go to school and I thought ‘why aren’t we requiring that same structure and daily learning for our dogs at daycare as well?” After having that thought, I started to grow a desire to want to change that in the pet industry.
I created Tail Swagger’s daycare to be unique in that we only accept a max of 10 dogs into our daycare. This is so each dog can get the individual love and attention during the day and so they don’t feel overcrowded with too many dogs in one location. Our membership-style daycare helps provide each dog with a daily routine so they know what to expect when they come, helps them become familiar with the other dogs at daycare, and gives each dog something fun to look forward to in their day.
The core reason for why I started Tail Swaggers was because I wanted to help each dog become the best version of themselves. I truly believe that when dogs are provided a good balance of fun and daily structure, they are able to do so. I can definitely say, the success of Tail Swaggers is in large part to my mentor who is constantly in my corner cheering me on even during the hard times when I want to give up, and also in part to all of our incredible clients. There is no way we could of continue to grow if it wasn’t for all of them. I definitely feel so blessed to get to do what I do and for all of the owners and dogs, I have met and continue to meet along the way.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
If you think about it, is there ever truly a smooth road? When I first started my business, I struggled with two things. The first was having so many limiting beliefs in myself. It was so bad I almost never even attempted to go into business for myself because I was so afraid of people’s opinions. It seems strange now to think about it, but I am very thankful I overcame and faced that fear.
The second was having to balance work while being a new mother to a newborn. I started out part time in my business after graduation while still serving in the evenings and on the weekends at Texas Roadhouse. Thanks to the help & guidance of the father of my child, I was able to go full time in my pet care business in October of 2018. When my daughter wasn’t with her father she was working alongside me, strapped on my chest in one of the baby carriers. In-between each dog I cared for I was making sure she was getting fed and changed. That was a struggle in the beginning but within 1-2 months my daughter and I had a routine down and we made a good team.
The third challenge came in 2020 when I had to figure out how to pivot my business during the pandemic. So yes, I have definitely had my challenges and road bumps along the way as well as many many days of feeling discouraged, frustrated, or not knowing if I could do it. However, I can definitely say that each struggle has its own way of teaching me something about myself and my business. I do my best now to embrace the struggle and try to find the light in what may seem like a dark place. I have faith that I have been given my vision for Tail Swaggers for a reason and I just keep doing my best to move forward to one day figure out why I was chosen.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
The one thing to know about Tail Swaggers Doggie Daycare is that we specialize in creating a healthy environment that is a balance of fun and learning. Your dog learns commands and life skills that will help them in transition into the real world.
As I mentioned previously, truly think about how your child’s school/daycare is structured. What are they doing during the day? Learning! Yes, they will have free time throughout the day, but it’s scheduled, monitored, and they help your child practice good manners & lessons. We believe in providing the same structure, fun, & learning routines for our dogs! Our structured daycare helps your dog’s overall mindset because they learn what to expect which helps grow inner confidence, build a healthier relationship with you & let’s their inner personality shine. Bonus: your dogs truly enjoy themselves & their time with us!
Second, our daycare is membership based. Just like a gym membership your dog can come all 5 days (Monday-Friday) or just the days you need based on your schedule but it’s weekly, so your dog keeps up with their routine. Consistency is key to learning anything and that’s the same with our dogs.
Along with daycare, we also offer luxury in home boarding and monthly pack walks. The pack walks are the perfect opportunity for our Tail Swagger owners to practice with their dog on the skills they are learning at daycare while in real world scenarios. It’s important to know that our dog’s growth reflects our consistency with their training & daily routines. We like to help bridge that gap and take some of the stress off you so you can worry about work or family.
Last, we are different in that we take time to help your dog’s overall state of mind, help them build confidence, have fun with their fur-iends & help them see they can do anything they put their mind to! We do our best to take “tail-wagging happiness” to the highest level.
If this sounds like something you & your dog would enjoy, we encourage you to visit our website so you can join our incredible community!
What do you like and dislike about the city?
What I about Fort Worth is that there are so many options of trails to walk on and explore. I like least that there aren’t many dog-friendly stores in the area. There are a lot of outdoor patios but would love more business that allowed dogs to be able to enter. It would be great exposure for training the dogs.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.tailswaggers.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tail.swaggers/