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Conversations with Shi Williams

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shi Williams. 

Hi Shi, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
I am CEO and Designer for Str8Kickz, LLC located in Red Oak, Texas. I’ve always had a passion for sneakers. I’ve always said that I wanted to design shoes. Never did I imagine that it would go as far as it has! I started painting shoes for myself as a hobby. I later started asking people for their old shoes to restore. I got better and better. I got my first break when I asked a childhood friend to design a pair of football cleats for her son. He played in one game and that’s when Str8Kickz, LLC began! 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
There have been many learning curves and challenges. I face them by enjoying what I do. I have learned different things with each custom. This is not a job for me. It’s my passion! 

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I specialize in custom footwear. I mostly enjoy doing custom cleats for the youth in my community. I can create just about anything custom that a client is looking for. I have shipped custom sneakers and cleats in two other countries and that’s what I am mostly proud of. There are many that customize sneakers, but my passion and quality is what sets me apart from others. Most of all, I have fun with each custom and just create!!! 

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Motivation, passion, vision, confidence, and the smiles on the children faces when they receive their customs is most important to my success. I have mentored several people youth in my community that have later become successful business owners themselves. 

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: str8kickzllc
  • Facebook: Str8Kickz,LLC

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