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Hidden Gems: Meet Robert Clay Williams of Elite Enhancement of East Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Robert Clay Williams.  

Robert, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My given name is Robert Clay Williams, but I go by Clay. My road to becoming a doctor started out similar to others kids I suppose: fireman, soldier, astronaut, then doctor by the time I got around to middle school. But I knew early on that I wanted to be some sort of surgeon. I attended Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, Texas and was a Sigma Tau Gamma. I chose to attend an osteopathic medical school (DO) over a traditional one (MD) because of the more holistic approach that really set the doctors apart. Not trying to do so, I was the #1 student all 8 semesters, and thus, graduated valedictorian of the University of North Texas Health Science Center – Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1999. I then attended the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock as a general surgery intern, with plans to become a vascular or trauma surgeon. But within just a short few months, I had a strong and uneasy feeling that I was making a lifelong mistake that I would regret. After talking to a friend, he advised me to make my first elective a urology rotation. 3-4 days into it, I knew my calling! By the end of the 4 weeks, I told my wife, Michelle, that I was going to do everything I could to find a way into urology — and I did. I rematched luckily at UAMS, and in 2005, I completed my urology training. One of the best decisions of my entire life! 

While in my final two years of urologic training, I had the blessing of being trained in male prosthetics (penile prosthesis) by the now legendary Steve K Wilson. It was such an interesting aspect of urology, and knew that this would be my niche. My wife and I moved to Tyler, Texas to join a group of urologists looking for young blood. My interest in penile prosthetics continued to grow, and found myself specializing in andrology, male sexual health, pelvic floor disorders (both male and female), female reconstructive surgery (vaginal prolapse and incontinence), and of course, erectile dysfunction and the inflatable penile prosthesis. 

Over the last 19 years, I have been afforded the opportunity to provide general urology care with my specialized interest. Urology is quite an entertaining, interesting, and far from dull field! Many surgeries are rewarding for both me and my patients, but nothing compares to placing an implant and allowing a man to get back what he lost — the ability to have a durable erection. 

But as always, medicine and cultures change. And along with women reaching out to all sorts of doctors or providers to get facial fillers and botox; breasts bigger, breasts smaller; booties more plump and some booties less plump… men really haven’t been in the game, right? So, Dr. Paul Perito of Miami, Florida, developed and perfected a technique to safely, scientifically, and anatomically increase the girth of a man’s p*n*s. Yes, he did the impossible! Eight years ago, he patented a technique for girth enhancement called UroFill. I had already heard about it, and once while sharing a cocktail with him at a sexual medicine conference, he took the time to fully describe and discuss the UroFill technique in great detail. He not only grabbed my  attention, but I was hooked! I knew this was a cosmetic procedure that I had to offer. So, with my wife, Michelle, we flew out to Miami and spent days, one on one, learning and training, both didactics and hands-on, to  master the technique. This was not some quick weekend course. In fact, we continue to improve the technique with both in-person and on-line discussions and training.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
I don’t believe anyone has a smooth road, but admittedly, there are those handfuls that seem to have things just fall into their laps just so perfect. But I have been blessed, and when I stumble, I balance through it; and when I fall, I just keep getting up. College and medical school are not easy. And since I had to go back through the match in order to change from general surgery to urologic surgery, I had to do an extra year of residency (so 6 instead of 5 years). However, I was so fortunate to be able to match right back into the University of Arkansas, an almost impossible feat. This process sounds so easy as I discuss it, but it was wrought with physical and mental stress. 

Urology is a vast medical and surgical specialty. It is a near-impossible task to keep current with all aspects of the field. I find this very exciting and vibrant but makes it very stressful. Our surgeries range from all sorts of scopes and cameras, to robotic technology, pelvic reconstruction, repair of congenital malformations or other surgical complications, and having our hands buried deep within someone’s abdomen–and unlike other surgical specialties, we maintain a large clinical/office practice as well, almost like a primary care physician. As rewarding as all of this sounds (and it is!), there is no wonder that urology was ranked as the number one most stressful medical profession; in fact, it was ranked the #1 most stressful job in the USA overall. The skill base and knowledge required for so many procedures and non-surgical medical care can be quite daunting and sometimes overwhelming, but always a blast. 

We’ve been impressed with Elite Enhancement of East Texas, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I absolutely love being a urologist that specializes in male and female sexual and pelvic floor health and medicine – from implanting penile prostheses for ED to utilizing the MISIS (minimally invasive single incision sling) for female stress urinary incontinence using propofol sedation in under 10 minutes, to surgically correcting Peyronie’s disease, to alleviating incontinence in men after prostatectomy for prostate cancer using a sling or artificial urinary sphincter, to placing dermal grafts transvaginally in under 90 minutes as an outpatient for vaginal prolapse (cystoceles and rectoceles). 

There are so many men that lack confidence and have anxiety over the size of their p*n*s. But honestly, the vast majority of men we see are at or above average in size and simply…just desire more girth. My wife, Michelle, and I, started our company, Elite Enhancement of East Texas, to provide this cosmetic therapy in addition to providing other restorative and regenerative therapies. We have been waiting years — just waiting for the right time — and being near empty nesters, in January 2023, the time had arrived!

Learning a patented technique, UroFill, to increase the penile girth of a man to help restore youth and confidence is so rewarding to see. I am now able to truly provide a treatment that addresses every man’s concern. At Elite Enhancement of East Texas in Tyler, Texas, I am finally able to move beyond just a disease process but can improve simple aesthetics, which women have been engaging in for years. Not too long ago, women did not openly discuss facial botox and dermal fillers. Now, it’s “coffee talk” after their workouts. They rush away from lunch with their friends, apologizing because they are about to miss their appointment with their beautician or aesthetician or dermatologist to get Juvaderm or Versa fix. Men, too, are now finding their place in the world of enhancement and cosmetics with penile girth using UroFill. Men should not trust their most valuable asset to a beautician, aesthetician, nurse practitioner, or a lesser trained physician such as a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. No, they will demand a doctor that has rigorously trained in the UroFill patented technique; in fact, I would think that most men (and their partners) would prefer a board-certified physician with years of training and practicing not only urology, but male sexual medicine and penile prosthetics and reconstructive surgery — someone who understands dynamic penile anatomy and performs cosmetic and sexual reconstructive surgery. I mean, in all honesty, who do you want to handle your most private asset? I keep my penile cosmetic girth enhancement and regenerative medicine practice as a completely separate entity in separate offices from my primary urology practice,. This way, my wife and I can remain focused on our Elite Enhancement clients’ needs

In addition, the world of erectile dysfunction is changing so fast with technology and treatment offers. Of all the newest ones that have landed, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and mesenchymal cell technology (exosomes, stem cells–so-called nanoparticle technology) appear to be the best, far better than any shockwave therapy that someone may offer you. And between the number of active and viable stem cells/exosomes from PRP or adipose tissue/bone marrow aspirate in comparison to stem cells/exosomes that can be purchased from reputable sources, extracting your own blood to acquire hundred of thousands of stem cells/exosomes compared to multiple millions is a no brainer. Exosome penile injection therapy (Priapus Enhancement), which literally takes minutes with very little discomfort if any, in the office, can improve erections in weeks, but in most cases a couple of months! We are so excited to offer this as it addresses the root of the pathology and not just fixing the end result. By increasing natural vascularity and biochemical and neurologic pathways, your overall pelvic health, muscles, and your ability to have natural erections are able to receive the effects of exosome regenerative healing. 

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out.
There are so many things I could say. There are so many great people I have met that have been instrumental to me at some point in my journey that I set out so long ago with my wife, Michelle. But as always, I wish I had learned more and listened more. Take time to relax and enjoy life, slow down when you can, never be bashful talking to a stranger or meeting someone new. Take some risks, be creative, work hard, and do not be lazy at a young age, and do not feel privileged or entitled. Nothing good ever comes easy or free — if it does, then you count your blessings that day because most likely someone, somewhere, paid it forward to you. Nothing is free — someone did it for you. Take ownership when you are wrong, make it right, stop pointing fingers. And remember, “NO” means “Next Opportunity!!” Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Don’t dismiss the things in life that will set you apart from others–achieving the rank of Eagle Scout at a mere 14 years of age was by far one of the pinnacles of my life. What I learned in Scouting and the commitment to go the distance for success has been and has continued to be invaluable in life. 

…and as my urology program director used to always tell me in closing after he allowed me, as the chief resident to vent and scream about the other residents and staff doctors and inform him of all the crap that had gone on… 

“Clay, are you done? 

“…yea, I mean yes sir, Dr Finkbeiner, I’m through…” 

“Good…now stop telling me how stormy the sea is…and just bring the ship home…just bring her home.” 

–Do your job– 

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Other: Elite Enhancement of East Texas 903-732-2005
    ONLY for Penile Girth or Priapus Enhancement/Exosome regeneration–NOT Urology

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