Today, we’d like to introduce you to Melanie Alim. Melanie was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Tanicia Prioleau.
Melanie, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Hello, my name is Melanie Alim Faison. I am the mother of two wonderful children, Yasmeen 28, and Nicholas 15. I also have a 2-year-old granddaughter, Sophia. I grew up in Tuskegee, AL a small college town. My parents both worked at Tuskegee University. I was the fourth of four children born to my mother and father, Marilyn and Khalil Alim. All of my older siblings went to college. So it was no question that I would go to college as well. I was a high-achieving high school student and was accepted into Spelman College’s class of 1996. My only goal in life at this time was to get out of Tuskegee, Alabama.
My journey began when I moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1992. I arrived on Spelman’s campus in the fall of 1992 with great excitement and expectation. But quickly became unsure of the purpose of my life. I changed my major from biology to psychology which seemed to require less studying. In the spring of my Sophmore year in college, I had gotten pregnant. Even with no clear direction and no clue what to do next, I decided to keep my baby and stay in school. God was with me and honored my choice to bring forth life. And in 1995, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In an effort to establish a life for me and my daughter, I became engaged to a Morehouse graduate and moved to Columbus, Georgia. Our plan was to get married, save some money, and move back to Atlanta. Well, it has been said if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Real-life situations proved we were not compatible which caused the relationship to end.
I was off to the races, beginning my life with a 6-year-old little girl in tow. My first job in Columbus, Georgia was at a mortgage company. I learned a lot during my first 2 years in the mortgage business and I was able to leverage this experience into a full-time position at a non-profit that promoted homeownership for low-income black women with children. I had never heard of a non-profit but I was certainly a low-income woman with a child. I began as a Housing Counselor, tasked with helping my clients learn basic financial management skills such as budgeting, credit, and lending basics. As I was counseling clients, I was also learning. Due to this new job, I was exposed to a new network of professionals who were committed to helping “the least of these.” As I was growing as a woman, a mother, and a professional, I was soon promoted to Executive Vice President of the Homeownership Center. It was not a position I sought after but I was chosen by the CEO because of my work ethic and desire to help women become homeowners. During my career at this non-profit, I was able to design programs and raise funds to help over 1800 families become homeowners. I was there for 18 years but it was time to stretch and grow. Therefore in 2021, I relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. I became the Chief Operating Officer of a non-profit housing developer. This new position at a new organization has challenged my leadership skills. I have grown tremendously in a year and a half and look forward to having an impact in the Affordable Housing field in Atlanta.
Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
After 18 years at the same organization, Melanie began to experience burnout. Solving the same problem over and over again and facing tremendous challenges in the midst of a global pandemic, it was time for a change. Melanie sought the Lord for her next assignment and God blessed her with a new job in a new role as Chief Operating Officer at Quest Communities in the Westside of Atlanta, Georgia. God also made provision for Melanie and her family to relocate to Atlanta to serve in ministry. I am a business strategist and impact leader with 20+ years of experience, championing organizational growth and expansion. I love managing and leading people. I have successfully built teams that have grown the capacity of the organizations I lead. I am action-oriented and I enjoy working hard. “As a leader, no two days are the same because you are constantly solving new problems that arise,” says Melanie. I enjoy coaching my staff to grow and maximize their potential on the job and in their personal lives. Melanie believes in servant leadership. Melanie lists her 3 Keys to Effective Leadership: • You must lead by example. • You must be the change you want to see. • You must love your people and want the highest good for them.
So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Tanicia Prioleau and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with Tanicia.
I met Tanicia Prioleau in 2019 by reading her “Manifested Sons” blog. Based on the wisdom she shared in the blog titled “Evil Speaking,” I knew she was someone that could help me in my walk with the Lord. I was struggling to leave a bad relationship and recommit my life to serving Jesus in purity. I reached out to her on Facebook Messenger for some advice. She answered with wise words of encouragement. From there, a beautiful friendship blossomed. Tanicia is my mentor. She encourages me to stretch myself and explore my God-given talents. I had a book idea, and without me asking her, Tanicia wrote a book outline for me and sent it to me as soon as we got off the phone.
Tanicia is the author of “God’s Celestial Network.” This book has helped me understand God’s kingdom and the importance of being connected to God through daily prayer and reading of my word. Tanicia is wise beyond her years and a dear friend. If I was asked to use one word to describe Tanicia it is “tenacious.” She pursues her dream with great vigor and persistence.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/melalim?
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/melaniefaison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanie.g.alim?