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Exploring Life & Business with Elysha Johnson of Open Tabs

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elysha Johnson.

Elysha Johnson

Hi Elysha, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers.
My journey began in 2007 with my mother and the start of her non-profit. Already juggling the roles of wife, mother, and leader, she found herself needing additional administrative support in her new position as an Executive Director. Being the youngest and most organized child, I was chosen to be her administrative assistant. Fortunately, a family friend who was an established virtual assistant taught me the ins and outs of the industry and imparted skills that I would nurture for years to come. 

Eventually, my heart led me toward my true passion – culinary arts. This journey led me to culinary school and, ultimately into the realm of fine dining and luxury hospitality. The pace was fast, the intensity was high, and the demand for perfection was constant. I loved it. 

Then I liked it. 

Then I accepted it. 

Then, I dreaded it. 

Then I burned out. 

Finding myself in the consuming pit of overwhelm, stress, and fatigue made me aware that it was time for a change. I recognized the necessity of a work style that could accommodate excellence while leaving room for my overall well-being. In 2019, I returned to the familiar and birthed Open Tabs, a space where I could redefine work on my terms while helping others do the same. I began as a virtual assistant for business owners, working as not only their administrative support but also as their strategic partner in creativity, efficiency, and well-being. I would assemble intricate puzzles to see the bigger picture while tending to the smallest details. I was their keeper of the pieces, ensuring no valuable fragment got lost. 

Eventually, as my capacity peaked, I welcomed a team of highly skilled and experienced virtual assistants to expand our reach and impact. Open Tabs is now a virtual administrative assistant agency that supports changemakers holistically. 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Of course not. Starting a new venture in a new city (and as an introvert) was incredibly challenging. But with Jesus and Google, I was able to make progress, one step at a time. However, my greatest challenge came earlier this year when I ironically burned out (again). While my first burnout experience in 2019 brought forth an unexpected pivot from the culinary world into the administrative space, my second burnout rendered me paralyzed – unable to strategize, create, or even navigate the most rudimentary aspects of life or business. There was no lack of uncertainty and discomfort in this place. But as I sat under the cloak of overwhelm, I awoke to the realization that hustling and striving, combined with my naturally driven and ambitious nature, was a deadly combination. It was only a matter of time before I imploded. It was here that I learned the importance of rest, rejuvenation, and living holistically. 

I learned that you don’t have to work yourself to the bone to find success. Although the culture says, “do more, faster,” we can, in fact, work at a pace that considers both our goals and mental capacity. 

I learned that although the culture says, “post daily,” “buy this course,” and “start that podcast,” I can resist the pressure to give in to the demand of doing “all the things” and focus on the few strategies that resonate with my soul. 

I learned that prioritizing is more important than general productivity, as there will always be work to do. 

I learned that I can unapologetically do business differently. Different is acceptable. 

I learned that it’s ok if my day is spent resting. Resting today can still be productive and can make tomorrow more impactful in a more tangible way. 

I learned (and continue to learn) that sustainable productivity is important – working in a way that leaves enough energy in the tank to bring with us into tomorrow. 

Though I have learned these lessons, these are muscles that I continue to exercise. I certainly slip back into hustling occasionally, but I am far more aware of it than I used to be. But I’m committed to living and working in a way that serves me best. If I’m operating at peak performance, I am better able to serve my clients and my team. 

As you know, we’re big fans of Open Tabs. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
Open Tabs is a virtual assistant agency that not only cares about the health of our clients’ business but also their internal health – their mind, body, and soul. While we serve as their administrative professional and advance their many projects, we also encourage them to craft moments for rest and rejuvenation – because nobody went into business to burn out. We challenge the norms of hustle and grind culture, pushing them to consider a blend of productivity and rejuvenation. Because both are important. 

We support leaders who aspire to achieve greatness without being consumed. My journey through burnout has empowered me to create a space where changemakers don’t merely survive; they thrive, innovate, and rest. 

Our administrative support isn’t just about additional hands, minds, or hours; it’s about amplifying our client’s brilliance while safeguarding their sanity. We’re here to ensure that every puzzle piece finds its place, that our client’s masterpiece comes together, and that they embark on this journey sustainably and with fulfillment. 

We exist so that everyone can live an unapologetically productive, ambitious, and restful life. 

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the COVID-19 crisis?
I learned the necessity of granting oneself grace. It’s far too easy to set unattainable standards for ourselves and then berate ourselves when we fall short. I’m not alluding to those moments of laziness; rather, I’m referring to those instances when we’re tired but truly endeavor to build that business, or produce that show, or just tackle that pile of laundry that’s been in the chair for 2 weeks. 

You can do that thing. 

You will do that thing. 

It just might not be today. 

And that’s perfectly fine. 

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