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Conversations with Purvi Shah

Today we’d like to introduce you to Purvi Shah.

Purvi Shah

Hi Purvi, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story. 
I’m a mixed-media artist living in Dallas, Texas. I take immense pleasure in specializing in the art of recreating the ethereal beauty found in nature. I love to infuse vibrant colors onto the canvas, but with a whimsical and abstract twist that is uniquely my own.

With each piece, I aim to transport viewers to a world where reality intertwines with imagination, where the raw beauty of nature is transformed into a realm of playful abstraction. My goal is to bring joy to people’s lives through the vibrant language of colors. I believe that colors possess a remarkable ability to uplift spirits, evoke emotions, and create connections. Through my art, I aim to paint not just beautiful pictures but also stories that resonate with the souls of others.

As a child, my love for colors bloomed with each passing day. I was fortunate to be born to parents who let me unleash my imagination upon canvases, walls, and every available surface in our house. Colors became my closest friends, and I remember painting with my mom with all kinds of colors.

But life’s canvas is not always painted in strokes of bliss. My beloved mother, my guiding light, bid farewell to the world in 2021, leaving behind an unfillable void. In the depths of my despair, I found solace in the memories of the once vibrant life we shared, where colors danced around us, reflecting the love that bound us together. It was in this cocoon of grief that a seed of inspiration took root within my soul, and I started my art business in September 2023. I’m an Engineer by education, Banker by profession, and now, also an Artist – on my path to becoming a full-time professional artist very soon! I’m currently enrolled in an online art program at Milan Art Institute, and I look forward to graduating this year.

With my art, I breathe life into my mother’s memory, and it will forever stand for the triumph of the human spirit, an ode to a mother’s love, and a testament to the transformative power of art.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No road to pursue one’s purpose is smooth, and that applies to my journey as well. The biggest struggle for me hasn’t been learning how to be an artist but unlearning all the societal conditioning to achieve certain things to be successful. I’m not here to fit any mold or check the boxes that society and the world have created for all of us. The journey of self-love, self-reflection, and acceptance is the hardest of all, in my opinion. I read the quote somewhere, and it has stuck with me like nothing ever before – ” Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you”.

I still deal with self-doubt more often than I confess, but, in the end, we are our own heroes… I remind myself that I have a story to tell and leverage my art to speak to people’s souls so they can also live true to who they are, unapologetically and audaciously.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a mixed-media artist and I specialize in creating art that demonstrates our connection with nature as we yearn for moments of tranquility and self-discovery. I’m drawn to painting women with landscapes and natural elements and you will always find a play of nature’s light in all of my paintings.

In this day and age of distraction and in a world that constantly seeks to categorize and confine, a world that is fixated on conformity, there exists a relentless force that defies all constraints – the cycle of life. Through a variety of means, we have access to the voices of so many people across the world, people we don’t even know, and yet, we listen to their unsolicited voices – so deeply that their words stick with us in our moments of solitude. We compare our lowest moments to someone’s peak, forgetting to discover and embrace who we are. Just like the ever-turning seasons and the perpetual dance of day and night, life refuses to be boxed into a tidy package. Our lives are not meant to be confined within these boundaries. We are not designed to follow a predetermined cycle or mold ourselves to fit an ideal that isn’t our own.

Through my paintings, I aim to inspire viewers to sit in solitude with nature as it has the power to heal. Sit in peace to truly understand who they are and the path that will make them happy. I hope that I can inspire everyone to celebrate their unique journey, accept their flaws, and recognize the beauty in our scars. But it all starts with shutting down the external noise so we can listen to our internal voice. When we embrace who we are, we exude a quiet confidence that speaks volumes. Steadiness comes from this self-acceptance, allowing us to navigate life’s ebbs and flows with grace. It’s in this steady and comfortable state that we truly shine, illuminating the world with the light that comes from within.

So let the light within you and of nature shine brightest as we are here to live audaciously.

Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Persistence, Practice, Discipline, and Determination. We all must believe in ourselves and trust the process, continue to stay determined, and navigate ebbs and flows with determination.


  • See my website for a detailed breakdown by size

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Image Credits

Karan Gautam Kaval

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