Today, we’d like to introduce you to Lauren Talbot Gillan.
Hi Lauren, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi! I am a Holistic Nutritionist and I have spent the past 15 years working with private clients and lecturing at corporate offices and wellness studios but this was not my original plan.
I was in business school at USC and modeling on the side. I wanted to be an actress, so when I was asked to lose weight, I took the suggestion seriously, and I did what most young women would have done— I ate less and exercised more.
I focused heavily on low-calorie, low-fat options, ate high-fiber cereal, and measured everything. If I indulged, I added in an extra run through campus.
Naturally, I lost weight… but at a price. Already susceptible to my own inner critic, my mental health plummeted— I suffered from depression, anxiety, and insomnia, and my skin suffered… I was thin, and I was miserable.
I hit a breaking point right before my 21st birthday. Despite struggling, I could not accept that medication was my only option, so when I stumbled upon a book about digestion and nutrition, I figured I did not have much to lose.
Although nervous, I radically changed my diet according to the book’s principles, and within one week— I knew I had uncovered something incredible. Finding that book changed not only my diet and life but also my career path.
When I turned 22, I invested in a program to study with the author, then a celebrity nutritionist in NYC. I had intended to absorb everything from her for my own personal growth, but when she pulled me aside and suggested I become a Nutritionist, I did just that.
I have spent the past 15 years working with private clients and lecturing at corporate offices and wellness studios. My focus is on nourishing the *whole* body in a way that boosts metabolism, enhances digestion, nourishes the cells, and improves overall well-being for attainable and sustainable results.
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I am not sure I have encountered an entrepreneur who has not hit walls.
I actually began my career working at Whole Foods Market as their Nutritionist. It was probably the lowest-paying job I have ever had as an adult, but it was a blast.
I hosted weekly dinners and worked tirelessly to create fun, engaging content and new menus. In 2013, we really did not have access to social media like we do today, but word traveled, and I began appearing on the news and collaborating with other health professionals.
I was hustling and blogging, which is how my practice began to grow virtually. In 2013, I was approached by a publisher to write a book, which hit shelves in 2014. The funny thing was, I had already written a book and been rejected about eight times before a publisher came knocking.
Just as my career was blossoming, a family obligation had me moving across the country, and I was forced to recalibrate.
Over the past several years, I have learned to become highly adaptable and resilient. I took a break from working full-time with clients independently and consulted in the Natural Foods space for a handful of years.
I think when something is deeply ingrained in your being, you learn to evolve with it. The door really never closes; you simply learn to adapt.
I have always been and always will be a nutritionist. Empowering others with the tools they need to feel their best… feels good. I have worked with clients as young as ten and as old as 75. I love seeing my clients light up when the pieces start to fall into place.
I think that, as a holistic nutritionist, one of the greatest challenges I have encountered is the realization that not everyone will like what I say.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Lauren Gillan Nutritional Consulting?
I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, meaning that I believe everything we put into the body affects the entire system. Our bodies have a way of speaking to us through symptoms. Nothing happens in isolation. When we treat the whole body, we can achieve greater overall well-being. In truth, most of my clients do not know it is possible to feel really good until they are truly living it.
I work one-on-one with clients to help them achieve their goals. An initial consultation is typically around 90 minutes, and from there, I will work with most clients for around 2-6 months. Each experience is completely customizable based on their needs and goals.
My specialty is in digestion and gut health, but the majority of my clients do not articulate “gut health” as their point of contempt. Most of my clients are looking to experience weight loss, decrease inflammation, increase their energy levels, get rid of bloating, improve their sleep and/or mood, and just feel younger and better overall.
When working with a client, I customize a wellness plan that is approachable yet offers sustainable results. My goal is always to empower my clients, leaving them with a solid foundation to lean into.
I am always looking to get my clients results upfront, but truly to capitalize on the end goal— longevity and well-being.
I am not like your traditional Registered Dietician or Medical Doctor. I am always looking at the bigger picture. I aim to get to the root of your imbalances instead of placing a bandaid on the symptoms.
Because I have an autoimmune disease (I had Lyme Disease at a young age), I have been forced to dive deep into holistic practices. I do not accept the status quo. I am always looking at every angle.
I think one of the things I am most proud of about my practice is that I keep things light. Wellness is not meant to feel heavy and restrictive. It should feel liberating, exciting, and hopeful. I love this about holistic nutrition— YOU become the captain of your ship.
Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Taking risks is scary. Subjecting yourself to scrutiny is bold.
I grew up with a father who crafted marketing material for Big Pharma. When I informed my family that I was taking the road less traveled, they were afraid for me. Anytime you stray from the status quo, you are taking a great risk.
To be the face of your own brand is pretty terrifying, especially for a person who works hard to keep everyone happy. Ultimately, you have to get to a place where you are OK if people do not like what you have to say.
Every time I am vulnerable on social media, I take a risk. Leaving my well-paying corporate job in sales was the risk I was willing to take to empower others.
- Initial Consultation (90 min) $295
- Follow-Up a la carte (30 min) $95
- Six sessions $530
- Three sessions for $275
- 12 sessions $950
Contact Info:
- Website: www.laurengillan.com
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/laurentgillan
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-talbot-gillan-certified-nutritionist-460b0414/
Image Credits
Ren Morrison