Today, we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Shanita Brown.
Hi Dr. Brown, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for sharing your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers.
I’m the oldest sibling, so being a leader found me. Leadership is my purpose, and I was created for it. I recall growing up as a young teen, quickly advancing to leadership positions in my community and school.
I never saw myself as a leader then because I thought I was doing what I was supposed to, not knowing I was being shaped as a leader. Fast forward to today, all those years of inadvertent training have shaped me into the leader I am today.
Let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what challenges have you had to overcome?
“Slow success builds character; fast success builds ego.” -Ratan Tata. As I mature and grow as a person, the above quote resonates more and more with me. To say it’s been an easy road would not be true. I’ve had to overcome many obstacles. One obstacle I’ll share is overcoming myself.
Overcoming the thought of whether this could happen to me. “This” means the passions and purposes that are in my heart to complete. I firmly believe that if it’s in your heart, it can be in your hand. Overcoming this obstacle was hard, and I had to learn and work hard to believe the truth and not the lie that it couldn’t happen for me because of past experiences or the lack of examples in my life.
I sometimes still wrestle with these thoughts but have the tools, resources, and support to overcome the lies. The success of gaining victory from this challenge has built character, humility, and resilience within me.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I specialize in self-leadership. Leadership starts within. I partner with leaders in empowering them to lead well by leading themselves in their thinking, feeling, and choosing. I use the curriculum, coaching, training, speaking, and teaching tools I have created to help leaders accomplish this. I want to say that I’m known to bring inspiration, motivation, and empowerment to people’s lives.
My gift of empowerment, which helps people be their best selves and allows them to live and lead from a transformative and authentic self, is what sets me apart. Though I still have many things I want to accomplish, I am most proud of accomplishing educational, career, and business plateaus before age 35.
What’s next?
My plans for the future are to continue to grow as a person in my thinking, feeling, and choosing and to use my personal growth as a leader to lead by example and help others live and lead from a transformative place.
I want to continue to expand and do this through leadership coaching, speaking, training, and the leadership development curriculum I created.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://shanitabrown.com/
- Instagram: @drshanita_brown
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drshanitabrown22/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-shanita-brown-b7b15248/
- Twitter: @drshanita_brown
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@drshanitabrown