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Exploring Life & Business with Rebekah Wade of Faithfully Courageous Designs LLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rebekah Wade

Hi Rebekah, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
As a creative individual whose journey has been shaped by a lifelong passion for the arts and a deep commitment to inspiring others. From a young age, I immersed myself in the world of dance and acting, where I first discovered the joy of self-expression and creativity. My mom played a pivotal role in nurturing these gifts, always encouraging me to explore and develop my artistic talents.

As I grew, my love for creativity expanded into writing, designing, and encouraging those around me. These passions guided me through various phases of my life, from the exhilarating highs of artistic performance to the challenges of balancing multiple roles as a divorced mother of three. Today, I channel my creativity not only through my business and full-time job but also through my involvement in ministry at my church.

Each chapter of my journey has been fueled by a desire to inspire and uplift others while staying true to my creative roots. Balancing family, career, and community service, I strive to make a positive impact in every sphere of my life, embracing the lessons learned and the growth achieved along the way.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The road I’ve traveled has been anything but smooth. From an early age, I grappled with insecurities, constantly searching for where I might fit in. It took me years to realize that I wasn’t meant to blend in but to stand out. For a long time, I felt like the odd one out, but now I understand that these experiences shaped me into who I am today.

The year 2021 was particularly challenging. I faced overwhelming grief as my dad battled cancer, I lost my great-grandmother, and just three months later, I was navigating a divorce. Grief enveloped me from all sides, and there were moments when I doubted I would make it through. Yet, with the support of God, my family, counselors, and my church community, I not only persevered but found a new purpose.

Amid this intense hardship, I founded Faithfully Courageous Designs, specifically launching the Affirmations Line. Our mission is to empower individuals by encouraging them to seek mental health support and to inspire self-encouragement. This journey, while arduous, has led me to a place where I can help others find their own strength and resilience.

We’ve been impressed with Faithfully Courageous Designs LLC, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Faithfully Courageous Designs is a faith-based clothing company dedicated to uplifting and encouraging individuals through our unique designs. Our apparel is crafted to inspire strength and hope in all who wear or see it, reflecting a commitment to faith and courage in every piece. Throughout May, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we donate 10% of all proceeds from our affirmation designs to local counselors. These funds help provide free mental health sessions to individuals who might not otherwise afford them. Our goal is to inspire courage and support, both through our designs and through tangible contributions to mental well-being.

What makes our affirmation designs truly stand out is their unique approach to personal encouragement. Each piece in our collection features affirmations printed in reverse, allowing you to read them clearly when you look in the mirror. Whether you need a boost of confidence or a moment of self-reflection, our clothing helps you connect with positive affirmations every day. Just glance at your shirt and see your personal message of encouragement, right when you need it most.

Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
In addition to our inspirational collections, we specialize in custom designs tailored to deliver a personal or unique message just for you. Whether it’s for family reunions, businesses, churches, schools, or any other special occasion, our team works closely with you to create designs that resonate deeply. Plus, we take pride in shipping our products nationwide, ensuring our message of faith and courage reaches every corner of the country.

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