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Community Highlights: Meet Kyara Ofuani Esq. of Ofuani Legal Group

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kyara Ofuani Esq.

Hi Kyara , please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
From a young age, I aspired to be a woman of influence and an advocate for change. As a Black woman navigating predominantly white institutions, I was determined not only to raise the standard for myself but also to redefine what a Black woman could achieve in these spaces. My mission has always been to create pathways for others of color, enabling them to reach their goals without being judged by their skin tone.

I grew up in Janesville, WI, a small town with few students of color. This lack of diversity was often highlighted, and I frequently faced racial bias. My abilities were often overshadowed by stereotypes, with decisions based more on my race than on my skills. However, my mother’s wisdom—“If no one gives you a lane, you’ll sometimes just have to make one for yourself”—inspired me to take action. Together, we founded Sisters Empowering Sisters and Brothers Reaching Out, two organizations that welcomed diversity and demanded change through education. These programs provided mentorship, financial assistance, and counseling for students of color, creating a positive, inclusive environment in Janesville’s schools.

This early experience of activism fueled my passion for advocacy, which I carried with me to Tennessee State University. As an undergraduate, I took on leadership roles in the Student Government Association, where I was able to directly advocate for students and work on initiatives such as grant writing, fundraising, and implementing a new safety and security plan for our campus. I also organized Tennessee State’s first student-run Black Expo, connecting students with Black-owned businesses, nonprofits, and career opportunities, furthering my commitment to creating access and opportunity.

After graduating, I was honored to be part of Columbia University’s first HBCU initiative, where I continued to advocate for minorities in corporate America and beyond. I also spearheaded the “I Am Historical, Black History Gala,” an event that celebrated Black culture and recognized the contributions of Black scholars and activists at Columbia.

In addition to my academic achievements, I was proud to serve as Miss Black Texas USA. In this role, I had the opportunity to represent my state on a national stage, advocating for issues close to my heart, such as racial equality and women’s empowerment, environmental and food justice. This experience further solidified my commitment to being a voice for the voiceless and using my platform to effect change and propelled me to start my nonprofit Freedom of Faith Food Bank.

My academic journey led me to Thurgood Marshall School of Law, where I accelerated my studies and graduated early in 2021, completing the program in just 2.5 years. This accomplishment marked the beginning of my professional career as a nonprofit attorney. For almost three years now, I have been practicing nonprofit law, where I’ve successfully handled complex legal matters, conducted extensive legal research, and drafted critical legal documents. My work has included providing strategic counsel to nonprofit organizations, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and crafting grant proposals that have secured significant funding.

My grant writing experience is extensive, with successful applications to esteemed organizations such as the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF). For example, at the Color of Law Center, I secured a substantial grant from the United Negro College Fund to support social justice initiatives.

Throughout my journey, I have embraced every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow, always with the aim of continuing my mission to inspire, educate, and uplift others through advocacy. In the words of Chinua Achebe, “Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth.” This quote resonates with me as I continue to push boundaries and create change in every sphere I enter.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
The road to where I am today has been anything but smooth. As a Black woman in America, I’ve faced countless obstacles, many of which stem from systemic disparities deeply rooted in our society and workplaces. The challenges of navigating predominantly white spaces, both in academia and in my professional life, are a reflection of the broader struggles that the Black community continues to face.

In the educational system, I encountered racial bias and discrimination that sought to undermine my abilities and potential. Instead of being evaluated on my merits, I was often judged by the color of my skin. These experiences were not isolated incidents but a recurring theme—a reminder of the pervasive racial disparities that still exist in our society. The same holds true in the professional world, where Black professionals are often marginalized, overlooked for opportunities, and subjected to microaggressions that seek to diminish our accomplishments.

Despite these challenges, I refused to be silenced or sidelined. I have always believed that when we are not given a seat at the table, it is our duty as a nation to build and create our own table and at time to bring our own chair. My response to the discrimination I faced was to become an advocate, not only for myself but for others who have been similarly marginalized. I’ve made it my mission to fight against these disparities and to create spaces where Black voices are heard, valued, and respected.

In my career as a nonprofit attorney, I’ve used my platform to champion causes that uplift the Black community. I’ve fought for equity in funding, representation, and opportunity within the nonprofit sector, ensuring that Black-led organizations receive the support they deserve. My work has involved not only providing legal counsel but also advocating for systemic change—pushing back against the status quo and demanding a fair and just environment for all.

One of the most significant struggles has been the emotional toll of constantly having to prove my worth in spaces that were not designed for people who look like me. But these struggles have also been the source of my greatest strength. They have fueled my passion for justice and equality, and have driven me to become an activist, fighting for the rights of the underserved and underrepresented.

I’ve overcome these challenges by remaining steadfast in my commitment to excellence and by surrounding myself with a community that shares my vision for change. I’ve learned to navigate these spaces with resilience and to use my experiences as a catalyst for advocacy. Whether it’s through my legal work, my role as Miss Black Texas USA, or my involvement in grassroots initiatives, I have continuously fought to break down barriers and create opportunities for those who have been historically marginalized.

In the words of Angela Davis, “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” This philosophy has guided me throughout my journey and will continue to do so as I strive to make lasting, impactful change for my community.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
Ofuani Legal Group is a distinguished legal firm specializing in nonprofit law, dedicated to empowering and supporting organizations that make a meaningful impact in their communities. Our mission is to provide expert legal services that help nonprofits thrive, navigate complex legal landscapes, and achieve their goals effectively. Central to our approach is our commitment to faith-based organizations, reflecting our belief that integrating faith into our business plan guides our work and strengthens our mission.

What do you do, what do you specialize in / what are you known for?

At Ofuani Legal Group, we focus on a range of services tailored specifically for nonprofit organizations, including:

Nonprofit Formation and Compliance: We guide organizations through the process of establishing and maintaining their nonprofit status, ensuring they meet all legal requirements and regulatory standards.
Grant Writing and Funding Support: Our team excels in crafting compelling grant proposals and securing funding from a variety of sources, including foundations, government agencies, and private donors.
Contract Drafting and Negotiation: We draft and negotiate contracts that protect our clients’ interests and facilitate successful partnerships and collaborations.
Strategic Legal Counsel: We offer strategic advice on legal matters affecting nonprofits, including governance, risk management, and compliance issues.
What sets you apart from others?

What sets Ofuani Legal Group apart is our deep-rooted commitment to the nonprofit sector and our personalized approach to each client. We understand the unique challenges faced by nonprofits and tailor our services to meet their specific needs. Our team combines extensive legal expertise with a passion for social impact, ensuring that our clients not only comply with the law but also excel in their missions.

Moreover, we are particularly committed to serving faith-based clients. We recognize the importance of faith in guiding organizational values and decision-making. By incorporating our faith into our business plan, we ensure that our services are not only legally sound but also aligned with the spiritual and ethical principles that our faith-based clients hold dear.

What are you most proud brand-wise?

We are most proud of our ability to drive positive change through our work. Whether it’s helping a nonprofit secure crucial funding, navigate complex legal challenges, or expand its impact, our greatest achievement is seeing our clients succeed and thrive. Our successful track record of securing significant grants and providing strategic legal support has empowered numerous organizations to make a difference in their communities.

Additionally, our commitment to faith-based organizations reflects our belief that our work is a higher calling. We are proud to integrate our faith into our practice, guiding us to serve our clients with integrity, compassion, and dedication.

What do you want our readers to know about your brand, offerings, services, etc?

We want readers to know that Ofuani Legal Group is more than just a legal service provider; we are a dedicated partner in our clients’ missions. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to support nonprofits at every stage of their journey, from inception to growth and sustainability. Our commitment to integrating faith into our business plan ensures that we provide not only top-tier legal support but also guidance that aligns with our clients’ values and principles.

Our team is passionate about making a difference and is driven by the belief that strong legal support is fundamental to the success of nonprofit organizations. If you are seeking a legal partner who understands the unique demands of the nonprofit sector and values the role of faith in your mission, Ofuani Legal Group is here to assist you every step of the way.

What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?
Dallas stands out for its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant community spirit. One of the most compelling aspects of Dallas is its diverse and inclusive atmosphere, which is beautifully showcased through its myriad cultural festivals, artistic expressions, and international cuisine. The city’s neighborhoods, from Deep Ellum to the Bishop Arts District, offer a dynamic blend of cultural experiences and local flavor that celebrate the contributions of various communities.

Dallas’s commitment to civic engagement is also commendable. The city is home to numerous grassroots organizations and community initiatives dedicated to social justice, education, and community development. This spirit of collaboration and activism creates a supportive environment where residents come together to address local issues and drive positive change. The city’s numerous parks and recreational areas, such as the Katy Trail and the Dallas Arboretum, provide not just green spaces but also venues for community gatherings and cultural events.Despite its many strengths, Dallas does face challenges that impact its sense of unity and equity. One area of concern is the noticeable divide between different communities in terms of access to resources and opportunities. While the city excels in cultural diversity, addressing disparities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities remains an ongoing challenge.

Additionally, while Dallas’s growth and development are impressive, the rapid pace of urbanization sometimes exacerbates issues related to affordable housing and displacement. This can impact long-standing communities and contribute to a sense of disconnection among residents.

Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from both the community and local leaders to ensure that growth benefits all residents equitably and that every voice is heard in shaping the future of our city.

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