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Rising Stars: Meet Ronald “riskie Forever” Brent of Frisco, Tx

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ronald “riskie Forever” Brent

Hi Ronald “Riskie Forever” , thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I started my artistic journey by tracing images from coloring books as a kid. Growing up in Compton, California, I was surrounded by a vibrant street culture that influenced my work. I got into graffiti and began exploring my creative side more deeply. My high school art teacher, Ms. Marta Farris, saw potential in me and really encouraged me to take my talent seriously.

From there, I transitioned from graffiti to fine art, eventually opening a booth at the mall, airbrushing custom designs. That’s where Death Row CEO Suge Knight discovered my work. My first major project was creating the album insert for Tupac Shakur’s “All Eyez On Me,” and after that, I went on to design the iconic cover for “Makaveli: The 7 Day Theory.”

That success opened doors, leading me to work on numerous album covers for other Death Row artists and beyond. Over the years, I’ve expanded into painting murals, customizing clothing, and mentoring aspiring artists.

In 2019, shortly after the passing of Nipsey Hussle, I moved to Dallas, Texas. It was a time of reflection and transition for me, and the change of scenery helped me refocus on my art and future.

Now, I’m not just focused on creating art but also giving back, sharing what I’ve learned with the next generation. It’s been a journey full of ups and downs, but every step has brought me closer to where I’m supposed to be.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road. There have been a lot of ups and downs along the way. One of the biggest challenges has been navigating the business side of the art world, especially in an industry that can be unpredictable. You never really know when your next big opportunity will come, and there have been times when things were slow, and I had to stay patient and keep grinding.

I’ve also faced personal struggles. Losing people close to me, hit hard. It made me take a step back and reflect on where I was in life and what I wanted to accomplish moving forward. Moving to Dallas in 2019 was part of that process, giving me a chance to reset and refocus.

Another challenge has been finding a balance between staying true to my art and making sure I can make a living from it. There’s always that push and pull between the passion for creating and the reality of needing to survive. But through it all, I’ve stayed dedicated to my craft, and every struggle has made me stronger and more determined to keep moving forward.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
My work is a reflection of who I am and where I come from. I’ve always been about creating pieces that tell a story and resonate with people on a deeper level. I specialize in everything from painting to airbrushing, customizing clothing, and even doing murals. But what I’m most known for is my album cover art, especially the cover I did for Tupac’s “Makaveli: The 7 Day Theory.” That’s been a huge part of my journey and something that will always be a big part of my legacy.

What I’m most proud of, though, is that I’ve been able to maintain my artistic integrity while navigating the industry. I’ve stayed true to my vision, even when it wasn’t always easy. What sets me apart is my versatility and my ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Whether I’m working with celebrities or everyday people, I approach each project with the same level of passion and dedication.

It’s not just about creating art for me—it’s about making an impact. I’ve been blessed to be able to do what I love for so long, and now, I’m focused on giving back and helping the next generation of artists find their way.

Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
I try to keep my focus on things that inspire me and keep me grounded. When it comes to resources, it’s not always about apps or books for me, but more about surrounding myself with the right energy and people. That said, I do keep up with some podcasts that focus on creativity and entrepreneurship, like “Earn Your Leisure” and “The Art of Charm.” They help me stay motivated and give me new perspectives on how to approach my work and life.

I also look to books that focus on personal growth and the stories of other artists and creators who have paved their own paths. One book that’s always stuck with me is “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. It gives insight into navigating the game of life, understanding how power works, and how to move strategically. At the end of the day, it’s all about staying connected to what drives me, and those are the resources that keep me pushing forward.

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