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Hidden Gems: Meet Sirisha Duvvuru of Your Speech Matters PLLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sirisha Duvvuru

Sirisha, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
After a decade as a speech-language pathologist, I found myself increasingly frustrated. Working in schools, skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, and home health, I faced unique challenges in each setting. But one thing remained constant – the limited time I could dedicate to my clients due to paperwork and meetings.

Determined to make a change, I began researching private practice. To my surprise, I discovered that starting one didn’t require a fancy office – just a few legal requirements. Excited by this prospect, I decided to see clients on the side while keeping my day job.I created flyers and spread the word on Facebook and other social media platforms. For an entire month, my phone remained silent. Self-doubt crept in, and I found myself stuck in analysis paralysis, questioning if I was good enough.

But then, it happened. A parent called, seeking help for their child with autism. I conducted my first client evaluation, and from there, things took off. Word of mouth brought me my second client, then my third, fourth, and so on.

As my practice grew, so did the requests. Clients asked if I could do social communication groups, feeding therapy, and gestalt language therapy. I saw these as opportunities to grow and quickly upgraded my skills, obtaining new certifications.

A turning point came when I joined Jena Castra-Casbon’s “Start Your Private Practice” mentoring program through her practice called Independent Clinician. It was truly transformational, providing me with the guidance and confidence I needed to take my practice to the next level.
When I decided to transition into private practice, I knew it was going to be a major shift, but I never imagined just how satisfying it would turn out to be. The journey has been incredible, and it’s brought me more than I ever hoped for. Financial freedom has been one of the biggest changes. Running my own practice has allowed me to manage my finances with far more flexibility than I ever had before. This relief has been profound, giving me the peace of mind to focus more on what I love and less on financial stress.

Equally important is the newfound flexibility in my schedule. I now have more time to spend with my family and to indulge in other interests that bring me joy. Weekends are no longer consumed by catching up on paperwork or preparing for the next week. Instead, I can fully engage in family activities, explore hobbies, or simply enjoy some well-deserved relaxation.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this change has been the ability to spend more quality time with my clients. In my previous role, paperwork often felt like it overshadowed the personal connections I could build with them. Now, I’m able to dedicate more time to each client, especially the children I work with. This has led to noticeable improvements in their progress. Seeing their growth and the positive impact of our sessions is incredibly fulfilling.
In private practice, I’m not just managing a business; I’m enriching lives—including my own. The balance between my professional and personal life has never been better. I’m grateful every day for the chance to make a real difference while also enjoying a more harmonious and joyful life outside of work. This journey has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

Looking back, I’m amazed at how far I’ve come. From those uncertain early days to now running a thriving practice, my journey has been one of persistence, continuous learning, and adaptability. It’s shown me that with determination and the right support, it’s possible to overcome initial setbacks and build something truly meaningful.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Starting a business is undeniably a challenging journey, especially in the initial stages. It demands significant effort, dedication, and a substantial amount of time. There’s no getting around it—building something from the ground up requires a lot of hard work.

But here’s the thing: despite the difficulties, the experience is incredibly rewarding. For me, the process is so engaging and stimulating that it never really feels like work. The challenges come with a level of creativity and motivation that keeps me energized and excited.

Marketing and writing, in particular, take up a considerable amount of time. Crafting effective marketing strategies and creating compelling content require careful planning and attention to detail. It’s a meticulous process, but it’s essential for building a strong brand and reaching the right audience.

Moreover, coming up with ideas that genuinely add value is a significant focus. For example, I turn a complex therapy technique into a simple, actionable formula for parents so they can easily implement it at home. It’s about translating professional knowledge into practical tools that make a real difference.

The diversity and complexity of clients in my practice also play a major role. Working with children who have multiple challenges—such as feeding, hearing, and visual impairments, or those who are wheelchair-bound and neonates with multiple heart surgeries—requires me to continually update my professional skills. Attending workshops, seminars, and conferences is crucial for staying at the forefront of my field and ensuring that I can provide the best care possible.

In essence, while the early stages of business development are tough and require a lot of hard work, they also offer an opportunity to channel creativity and passion. It’s a period where I get to innovate, explore new ideas, and lay the foundation for something truly unique and valuable. The journey involves a blend of strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and continuous professional development, making the process both challenging and deeply fulfilling.

I’m incredibly thankful to our marketing team, UVTECHSA, and our photography team, @SARAVANA CREATIONS for their continuous flow of creative ideas that have significantly boosted the reach of my speech therapy business. I’m also deeply grateful to the families who collaborate with me in this journey.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
At Your Speech Matters PLLC, we are deeply committed to transforming lives through specialized speech therapy. Our practice focuses on two essential areas: Gestalt Language Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Both are central to our mission of providing tailored, effective care that meets each client’s unique needs.

Gestalt Language Therapy is a distinctive service we offer, and we’re especially proud of it because it’s not widely available at many clinics.. Its a cornerstone of our approach, designed for individuals who use language in chunks or “gestalts” rather than breaking it into smaller, more manageable components. This method is particularly beneficial for clients on the autism spectrum and others who thrive with a broader understanding of language. We work closely with our clients to deconstruct these language chunks into practical, everyday use, ultimately enhancing their ability to communicate naturally and effectively. Despite its benefits, awareness of Gestalt Language Therapy remains limited. To address this, we are actively working to increase awareness through in-services at ABA centers and daycare settings. By educating and informing professionals and families about this valuable approach, we aim to expand its reach and impact.

Feeding Therapy is another pivotal area of our practice. We address a range of feeding and swallowing difficulties, from picky eating, ARFID, tube feeding dependancy, oral motor dysfunction, sensory processing disorder to complex oral-motor challenges. Our goal is to create positive and stress-free feeding experiences, which in turn support better nutrition and overall comfort. We are dedicated to helping children transition from tube feeding to oral feeding, despite the journey being long and challenging. To support this transition, we will be soon launching a new program called “Feeding Through Five Senses.” This program is designed to help parents and families learn the subtle aspects of transitioning from tube feeding to oral feeding, equipping them with the knowledge and strategies needed to support their child’s progress effectively.

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is the success stories we get to share. For instance, we have seen remarkable transformations where children transitioned from tube feeding to oral feeding, moving from non verbal to verbal modalities of communication and many more. These successes didn’t just happen overnight; they were the result of dedicated guidance and education. Our team worked closely with the families, offering ongoing support and tailored strategies to facilitate this significant change.

Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I’ve always had a bit of an adventurous streak when it comes to taking risks, but I’ve learned to balance that inclination with practicality. I believe in pushing boundaries and exploring new opportunities, but only when I can handle the risks both physically and emotionally.

When it comes to leaving a stable job to start my own business, I knew I need to be strategic. With a mortgage, car payments, and family responsibilities, jumping headfirst into entrepreneurship wasn’t something I could do lightly. Instead, I opted for a more measured approach. I began my business as a side gig, allowing me to build it up gradually while still maintaining the stability of my primary job. This way, I could mitigate the risks associated with starting a new venture.

Now, with the foundation laid and my business steadily growing, I’m at a point where I’m ready to embrace greater financial risks. I’ve gained confidence from the initial steps I took, and I feel more equipped to handle the challenges ahead. Balancing risk and stability has been crucial, and I’m prepared to take calculated financial risks to further expand and enhance my business.

Being wise in risk-taking has allowed me to pursue my passion while ensuring that I maintain financial and emotional stability for my family. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where ambition meets prudence.

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Image Credits
Dheeraj Pelluru @saravana creations

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