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Rising Stars: Meet Brianna Pineda of Little Elm/Aubrey Area

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brianna Pineda

Hi Brianna, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’ve always been in love with the beauty industry for as long as I could remember! I would sit in my room with my iPad and my mom’s makeup and make mini “YouTube” videos. YouTube taught me a lot of what I know! I remember sitting in my room as a little girl watching videos over and over to teach myself how to french braid my hair or apply eyeshadow. I even asked for a mannequin head for Christmas so I could practice! (which I still have her!)

Although the beauty industry seemed like a no brainer for a career, I thought I would be more successful by going into the medical field. So I graduated high school as a Certified Medical Assistant. I got a peek into the medical world and just didn’t feel fulfilled. Once I realized that, I decided to purse what I really loved, which was hair, makeup and all things beauty!! I enrolled into Cosmetology school and became licensed after 18 months. Then I enrolled into a Dallas makeup school and became certified.

After long hard days of working a full time job during the day and attending school at night (even some days wondering if the dream would come true), here I am living my dream! I get to help women look and feel beautiful through the element of hair and makeup. I get to listen to music, have girl talks and get to know some really amazing people! My journey has a long way to go, but I am so happy with the career that I’m in!!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road at all! There were days where I felt defeated, at a standstill and truly felt like I was failing. There’s a saying that you’re always your biggest critic – and I was! I saw all of the achievements and all of the failures. Even though I had some amazing people in my circle picking me up and supporting me, those days still felt heavy. The biggest thing that I focus on is reminding myself that everything is in God’s timing – not mine! Being the artist, photographer, accountant, social media marketer, content creator, personal assistant (and so much more) is a lot. But nothing beats the look on a clients face when you hand her the mirror! Some days are hard, challenges seem too big and risks seem impossible, but push through! It will all come together, because it surely does for me everyday!

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a Professional Hair and Makeup Artist. I specialize in Bridal, Special Events and Photoshoots. I am more of a soft glam girl but love a full beat! I’m also a licensed hairstylist. I am most proud of my desire to grow. I love to learn! I love to keep learning new techniques, products, skills, etc. The sky is the limit in the beauty industry. I’d call myself a perfectionist and I’d like to think that sets me apart from others. I am detail and quality oriented. When you sit in my chair, I want you to get up feeling and looking your very best. I wanted to make sure that you love every inch of your face or your hairstyle. Your dream look is my goal, so I am here to achieve it!

Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
A big word of advice that helped me was get out there and network! Get in touch with other artists and collaborate with them. I try to post daily on social media to get my name and work out there. I also joined lots of bridal groups and local mom groups on Facebook to share my business. It’s not easy, but keep going! It will pay off!


  • $240-420 Bridal Packages
  • $65-115 Hair/Makeup Services

Contact Info:

Image Credits
K-Rae Images – Maternity Photos

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