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Meet Stella Grace of Grace Income Tax, Coaching & Consulting Services

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stella Grace

Hi Stella, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My story started in 2012 when my partner of almost 7 years suddenly died and then 6 months later my only child died too. Within 6 months the only family i had in America left me all alone. Death visited my household and left my broken, confused, vulnerable, isolated and suicidal. It was so tough that i tried committing suicide three times. Overnight i had lost everything, became homeless since i could not keep up with the bills, had no income, at that point in my life, i saw suicide as the only means to an end. I know many might be feeling like this right now due to life issues, stress etc….but please let me tell you something, do not give up on your self and life.
However, is through those difficult and trial moments that i rekindled my faith in God since everything else failed me. As the years proceeded, i was healing gradually, and learning to coach myself into turning my adversities to my advantage, not allowing what I was going through make me bitter but learned to use it to make my life better.
I then started helping other women and families that were going through grife, lost, difficulties or issues of life by encouraging them with hope. Little did I know I had a calling to be a coach, counselor and a minister of hope.
Thats how i started my ministry Voice of Hope (Stella-Grace Evangelistic Ministries) in 2017 and later started a coaching, counseling and consultation business all out of my own pain and issues.
Today am able to help thousands of people through my online coaching programs, my social media platforms, books and through my ministry to regain confidence and experience fulfillment again in life no matter what life throws at them. We can always switch our Pain in to Gain.
We now have Grace Income Tax, Coaching & Consulting Services all thanks to the need i saw and i was able to filled the gap by providing the needed services to my friends, family and community.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not been a smooth road for me because
Number 1) the lack of resources to startup was a battle i had to overcome, Secondly) Lack of visibility in the huge market space of coaching/entrepreneurs and at times been an African and a woman with accent limits the number of people you can reach/impact or contact and
Thirdly) lack of partnership and support is also a great factor

As you know, we’re big fans of Grace Income Tax, Coaching & Consulting Services . For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Number 1) I am an amazing life coach that help restore hope and destines to persons, families, organizations going through brokenness, grife, sickness, divorce, unemployment, isolation, mishaps and the list goes on and on. Because of my life experience and how i was able to restore my life from pain to gain, i train, coach, teach and assist others to do same with tangible results. So that alone set me apart from others because i have the perquisites touch of reality that most life coaches don’t.
Secondly, my consultation services helps individuals, families, business, ministries etc come up with a plan that yeilds results…we draft the fine lines for anyone to follow and flourish in today’s economy.
Thirdly, we do income tax and document prep which is an additional service that we provide to our clients with honsetly, accurate and reliable results.
As a minister of the Gospel, an author, i also help families that need spiritual healing go through the journey smoothly under our patronage.

Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
I like the fact that Dallas is safe and very very diversified with thons of opportunities, connections and networking. However i hate the fact that the traffic can drive one offtrack and because of how huge the city is, you need platforms that can give you visibility which is so hard to find.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: stellagrace221
  • Facebook: Stella Grace
  • Youtube: Stella-Grace TV
  • Other: Tiktok stellagrace221

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