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Hidden Gems: Meet Dalybeth Christine of Dalybeth Christine

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dalybeth Christine

Hi Dalybeth, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I have been a psychotherapist and psychology university professor for the past 25 years and am now focusing on Spiritual Life coaching. I am a 4th generational mystic with psychic and healing abilities. I am able to communicate with angels, spirit guides, fairies, loved ones passed, and my higher self. I utilize my counseling skills as well as my intuitive abilities for a holistic approach to spiritual coaching. As a certified Spiritual Life Coach, I incorporate tools such as Past life regressions, psychic mediumship, tarot/oracle cards, angel therapy, spirit guides, fairies, and Ho’oponopono to help you live in alignment with your Soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams. I am able to connect to higher Divine guidance for clarity into what is needed for healing in order to live a life of fulfillment, freedom, abundance, joy, and connection. I’ve dedicated my life to the service of sharing the messages of Love and Spirit.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I was worried about coming out of the spiritual closet because of the stigma on psychics especially by the church. I have been a single mom and providing a stable and safe environment for my daughters has been a priority. Now that they are grown, I feel I have the freedom to express my spiritual gifts. I am originally from Hawaii and moved to Texas for a new start. I love it here and it feels like home.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Dalybeth Christine?
What I do…

Spirit Medium – As a certified Spirit Medium, I assist you in starting a healing conversation between your loved ones across the veil to provide comfort and hope.

Angel Therapist – As a certified Angel Therapist I assist in communicating messages and receive angelic guidance about your life purpose, and relationships, as well as healing your body and life.

Past Life Regression Therapist – As a certified Past Life Regression Therapist I help you recall information about your previous lifetimes to heal physically and emotionally. Once you access these memories, your unconscious mind then supplies you with more details about your soul’s journey through time, releases trapped energies that need to be released, heals repressed emotions, and breaks patterns from prior lifetimes.

Ho’oponopono Practitioner – As a certified Ho’oponopono practitioner in the ancient Hawaiian healing practice “To Make Right”, I help you cope with negative feelings, find peace when others have wronged you, gain control of your actions and thoughts, let go of emotional baggage, recognize your inner strength, reduce stress levels and increase happiness.

Spirit Guide – Trained in connecting to Spirit guides I assist in tapping into your spiritual support system on the other side that oversees and helps guide your life so you can enjoy all the love, abundance, and joy you are entitled to.

Any big plans?
I am starting a podcast and writing my third book. My first book is called “Love is Not Enough: My Journey from Codependency to Awakened Goddess” and my second is “Love Was Not Enough: My Journey from Grief to Mediumship”


  • $111 30 min session
  • $222 60 min session

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