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Check Out Desiree Catherwood’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Desiree Catherwood

Hi Desiree, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I went to aveda institute for cosmetology. After I graduated I decided I didn’t want to do hair. I always had the idea of lash extensions on back of my mind. At the time in 2014 lash extensions were still very new and taboo . I ended up getting my cosmetology license. In 2017 I then worked for a very popular chain here in Dallas where they train you to do lash extensions. My first week of training I would go home crying everyday because lashing was so tedious and hard. I am not a quitter. I did as much research and did as many models as I could until I felt good enough to start taking clients. In 2018 I decided to open up my own suite in Dallas. Looking back now I was not ready. My craft still wasn’t perfect and I was having a hard time retaining clients. I then decided to go back to the same chain but in Rockwall Texas to be closer to home. I worked there until I felt like my craft was perfect. I then became a master stylist at this studio. I decided to take another leap! To open up my own suite again. Being my own boss has always been my priority. My lash business is successful. I love what I do! I love the relationships I have built with my clients that I consider my friends. I’m excited to see where my business can grow from here.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
When I decided to open up my first suite I opened it up with little experience. I didn’t realize how much it took to be your own boss. I even tried to stop lashing at one point for a month. I realized that I LOVE what I do and got back into lashing quickly.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I make women feel beautiful for a living and it’s my favorite thing ever! I add synthetic fibers onto peoples lashes known as Lash extensions. I am very proud of my buisness Giddy up lash. I have worked very hard for this. My expertise is what sets me apart. I am a perfectionist and I’m very hard on myself. I am consistently finding ways of bettering myself.

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Finding ways of motivating myself. Some days are easier than others. You just gotta keep going! I have a vision of where I want to be in the future and I’m working towards that everyday.


  • Full Sets range from 125-180$
  • Fills Range from 70-100$

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Image Credits
I took all of the pics.

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