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Daily Inspiration: Meet A.D. Scott

Today we’d like to introduce you to A.D. Scott

Hi A.D., we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I always pride myself on my being intentional about my work. Everytime I’m on a project, I use that as an opportunity to make great first impressions with people that I’ve never worked with before. You never really know who you’re in the room with at any given time…the PA could be the next screenwriter, or the Director could be the next film Producer. What matters is making sure that you treat every opportunity the same. Treat every person you encounter with the same respect, and show up with the same work ethic, creating your own standard of excellence and sharing that with the people around you. And that’s what I believe I’ve been doing. Since 2016, I’ve had the chance to lead a few short films, and I’ve had my share of exploring different roles in some film projects, hoping that I would earn the opportunity to lead a full feature film one day. It has always been a goal of mine to challenge myself to portray interesting characters and to have a chance flesh out a significant part of their story.
Well I’m happy to say that this year I’ve been able to cross off some goals of mine. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity of leading four different feature films this year: “Naughty or Nice”, “Deeper” (the sequel to Knee Deep), “I’m Desperate”, and “Ruthless Atonement”. This journey has been extremely rewarding for me! And after filming them all back to back, it’s also been extremely exhausting lol. But I put a lot into those 4 completely different characters, and I’m so thankful to the production companies who saw something in me and trusted me with the opportunity to tell these stories: JF Bailey Films, Rainey-King Productions, LAS Productions, and Clearwater Productions, LLC. I’m truly excited and I can’t wait to see what the future may bring.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
There were definitely some struggles along the way. During this time-frame, there were times that my aspirations to grow as a Director affected my availability to work as an actor. I wouldn’t say that this was a major issue, however. But being that I’m an actor first, it just prolonged some of my actor goals. Although I’ve never stopped acting during this time-frame, there were times that the majority of the new people I was coming in contact with were only familiar with me being behind the camera, instead of in front. The takeaway from that lesson was learning the importance of balance and strategic use of time management.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’d have to say that I am most proud of the effect that I’ve had on most people I’ve came in contact with in this business. The art itself that we create will always be subjective, but you only have one chance to create a first impression. I take pride in the way that I treat people, and I care about the impact I have on others. Aside from the fact of believing that the objective is to create art and share your gift with the world to inspire the next, I believe it also means that our impact on others plays a huge role in that inspiration.

On the flipside, I really do believe that my willingness to help others sets me apart from most. It’s hard to say that there’s a right and wrong way to go after your own dreams and goals, to have the type of drive it takes to be successful. I personally choose to go about it in a different way. To be fair, it’s also important to understand that being too unselfish can make it seem like you’re moving at a much slower pace. Ultimately, it’s best to adjust your step-by-step process to find the perfect balance to help others reach their goals, while staying on track to achieve your own goals at the same time.

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I’m excited to announce that I have a film titled “Kingsmen” that’s set for an official release date of October 1st streaming on multiple platforms, directed by yours truly.

Also, I have three other films that will all have early screening red carpet premieres, prior to their official release dates. Basically, supporters will have the opportunity to come out and watch the film before everyone else, as well as attend the meet-and-greets afterwards to meet the cast and crew who helped put the film together:

– “Ten Toes Down” will screen on October 5th
– “Naughty or Nice” will screen on October 19th
– “Deeper” will screen on October 26th

Tickets for all red carpet premieres are listed in my website.
All three films will be available for streaming by December.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Otis Clayborne, Rainey-King Productions, JF Bailey Films, Freddie Watkins, Mei Yang

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