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Check Out Quindon “Qthespeaker” Hall’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Quindon “Qthespeaker” Hall

Hi Quindon, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Public speaking was just one of those things I can truly say found me. I never knew I had a passion for helping and motivating others. Once my mom passed away from stage 3 cancer when I was approximately 19/20 years old I went through every emotion you could possible imagine. Yet I knew remaining stagnate was not an option for me. After a few years of trail and error trying to figure out this thing we call life, it just didn’t sit well with me how you could be dealing with grief and trauma yet the pain was invisible to people. So I started shifting my mission in life to helping others overcome their adversities and knowing it’s ok to continue life and still be mentally well

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth? This has been the furthest thing from smooth I’ve ever seen. As if entrepreneurship is not hard enough just imagine having a deceased mother and no male role model to lean on. I lost thousands of dollars just trying to figure out how the business works, jumping into opportunities with out reading fine print, losing family and friends whether it was to death or Personal issues and the list goes on I could talk for days about the struggles I’ve experienced.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am Qthespeaker a top youth public speaker some call us motivational speakers but we are so much more than that I am a PROBLEM SOLVER that gets results.

My catch phrase is “I’m gone speak on it”
Because I like to have those uncomfortable conversation that most shy away from because in all actuality the uncomfortable conversations get results.


I’m most proud being a self published author making about 10k selling books out the truck of my car.
Along side just traveling and giving the youth hope

What matters most to you? Why?
Leaving my footprint with youth organization’s I want to travel all over the world and instill hope in our youth. The goal is empowerment regardless of what you’ve been through you still have your entire life to be whatever you want to be

Why? because nobody was ever there for me how I wanted them to be it always bothered me how people would say “that’s a part of life” that’s not the answer to adversity we have to give people solutions ‼️‼️


  • Book 20$
  • Shirts 40$
  • Keynote speeches 3-5k

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: Qthespeaker
  • Facebook: Qthespeaker
  • Twitter: Qthespeaker
  • Youtube: Qthespeaker

Image Credits
Jordan Alexander
Jordan Abraham

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