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Conversations with Jamaiya Ford

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jamaiya Ford

Hi Jamaiya, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
As a little girl, playing with different dolls & styling, I discovered that doing their hair was my favorite part. Around the ages of 7-9 I started doing hair on some friends at the Boys & Girls Club where I went in Jackson, MS. As years went on, my big sister taught me everything I needed to know about hairstyling. My second year in college is where I gained my first client as an adult, took me 2 days to braid her hair haha & from that moment on I said I will find a way to be faster & better, & I did just that. As time went on I only looked at being a hairstylist as a side hustle to whatever career I wanted in life, but little did I know that I would take on being a hairstylist as a career. I tried college for a healthcare profession, but I found myself always going back to being a hairstylist. It is my safe haven, my therapy, & what makes me happy. I love making others beautiful & when they leave my chair, the boost of confidence in my clients never cease to amaze me. After a few years of mostly braiding at home, a few braid shops, & with the support of my family & close friends, I’ve finally decided to step out on my faith & become a full time hairstylist. I am located in Plano, TX in a suite at Crossroad Salon Suites. Coming from Jackson, MS to where I am today has been nothing short of a blessed & highly favored journey & I am forever grateful for each person who has allowed me to make them feel beautiful!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This has not been a smooth road for me at all. I have had plenty of test & obstacles thrown my way but with God I have been able to overcome anything. I was originally going to college to do things others wanted me to do instead of following with the gift God gave me. When I realized regular college wasn’t for me, I stopped going, I lost my job, my car, became depressed but hair was always the one thing I found that made me happy. I went through a period of not believing in myself & wanting to give up all because I felt like things weren’t moving fast enough for me. I wasn’t gaining clientele fast enough or making fast money, but I had to look at myself & realize I wasn’t doing enough to get to where I wanted to be.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
As you have read, I am a hairstylist. I am known for my speciality in braiding. Although, that is my specialty I am not limited to it. I also provided services such as locs, weaves, & natural hair. I am most proud of the knowledge I have gained over the years, providing top tier service & fast. As I previously stated, my very first client took me 2 days, since then I have been able to get most of my braided clients in & out within 4 hours or less! I am also proud of the clientele I have gained & the ones who have continued to return since day one, for that I am most grateful. I feel like what sets me apart from others is not only being affordable but also the passion I have for being behind the chair. It’s not just about money for me, it’s truly love what I do.

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
The best way for others to work with me is to just simply reach out! I am open to all opportunities that benefit both parties. Please support me by sharing my work & becoming a client! My work can be located on my Instagram @_hairbymaiya & TikTok @richgirlmaiya


  • Braids start at $100 & go up or down depending on size & length
  • Mens styles are $65+
  • Natural hair starts at $80 & up
  • Washes are included in select styles

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