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Rising Stars: Meet Abigayle Hartson of Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Abigayle Hartson

Hi Abigayle, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Ever since I was a child I always had multiple aspirations that I wanted to achieve. Remember in Kindergarten when your teacher asked you “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. Well when it came to me, I would say every time someone asked me that question when I was young, “I want to be a veterinarian, singer, artist, president, dancer, marine biologist, actress, chef, model, and a opera singer.” For me the possibilities and dreams that I had were endless. My favorite quote that stuck with me ever since I came across it was “If you can dream it, you can do it” by Walt Disney. Throughout life that quote has always inspired me. I have always been creative ever since I can remember. I was always pursuing new hobbies and interests. My journey started when my parents put me into acting and modeling classes when I was 14 years old. I didn’t know at the time that would be life-changing for me, but it has stuck with me ever since.
I had stepped foot into the industry younger than most people have. It was challenging but since I had the passion and drive, it felt so natural to me. As years went by I was juggling with school, so it wasn’t my main focus in life during the time. I went to a public high school, which I ended up transferring to online school given the situations I was going through at the time. I was ecstatic to start online school since I realized it would give me more of an open window when it came to my schedule, which meant I could have more time with modeling, acting, and being creative. I was always pushing myself to do more. I was constantly doing research and studying on how to be the best I can be in my field. From going to networking events to putting myself out there on social media, there is multiple ways to continually gain knowledge and excel. To me, as long as I saw I was progressing, no matter how big or little, that’s what made me feel accomplished.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It definitely has not been a smooth road. There have been many obstacles along the way. There is always the highest highs and the lowest lows, when it comes to my journey, til this very day. The biggest struggle was always within myself. The whole reason why my parents put me into acting and modeling classes when I was young was because the company also promoted it as self-improvement and to help gain self-confidence. I had been bullied ever since I was young, and it has affected me in multiple ways that I wish others would never have to go through. I have been continuously battling through severe depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and PTSD. Sometimes when I am in social situations or just trying to live my day to day life, panic attacks will come out of nowhere with or without reason. It was something I couldn’t really take control of. It has been tough to do basic tasks in a generality, especially being social, when that is one of the key factors in life and within what I do. Even just trying to find the motivation to do anything, even in the simplest things, it was always a struggle. I have to constantly push myself to want better and to do better in order accomplish anything. I have found multiple ways to cope, such as therapy and much more. I always am advocating to spread awareness about mental health, since it has been such an important matter in my life, as I feel it would help others who struggle too.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
As of now, I like to call myself a jack of all trades, since I do a little bit of everything. I feel as if that sets me apart from others is being very versatile. I have been progressively excelling my career in the creative and entertainment industry. I am currently agency signed and freelancing in modeling & acting. From doing countless creative photo shoots, participating in short films, background work, promotional modeling with brands, etc. Im proud and grateful to say that I have been in Dallas Fashion Week, Fort Worth Fashion Week, Coastal Fashion Week, and many more fashion shows when it comes to runway, as I only stand being 5’3. While other forms of modeling, I had better access to since there wasn’t always a strict height requirement. Within modeling and acting, I love being able to create visions and having the ability to execute them by bringing them to life. What keeps me so in tune and passionate with the art is seeing the emotion and feelings you can give people.
I also social media manage and market in a generality via my own brand or others. Creating content for brands giving UGC content or self-reviews within my own profile definitely lets me be creative in my own way, in the social media realm. There is event that I was model director and have co-assisted in creating called “SpringCake”. It expanded my realm in creativity creation as I was slowly gettin burnt out in my head. It has definitely expanded my experience and knowledge in event coordinating. I am a super passionate person when it comes to my beliefs, ethics, and what I stand for. Given being a content creator, I openly talk and advocate for mental health since it has had a big impact on my life. It has opened up multiple opportunities to work and advocate for campaigns that have correlation to mental health and self-help.
Tying into campaign working, I have worked with multiple political campaigns when it comes to voting, women’s health, and mental health. It has allowed me to spread awareness and give people advice on how to self-improve and much more. I have a little bit of works in the political field which helps me properly deliver awareness in a way that I feel would be impactful towards others. I am always actively looking to spread awareness about topics that are important to me and that I believe should be to others. I absolutely love what I do and I’m super grateful for the opportunities that I have been given, as I hope to have made an influence towards people for the greater good.
I would say what I am most proud of is the resilience I have and the persistence to keep on going. It is tough, considering that my own brand is myself. There is always a ton of rejection in the fields that I work in, and it can be demotivating at times. I would always have to remind myself that, “What is mean’t for you, will be for you”. I always believed that rejection is just a redirection towards something that is better suited for you. Ever since implementing that mindset, I am now able to not be too harsh on myself.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
There is always something surprising about me, that I have going on. I am always actively working on different kinds projects and doing something people wouldn’t expect. “Expect the unexpected”, is something I would always say. If I were to say something random that is surprising, is my enormous love for animals. I currently own a cat and a dog. Some previously owned pets I had were various kinds of sea creatures such as fish, shrimp, sea snails, etc. Others were a guinea pig, a fiddler crab, hamsters, geckos, and a praying mantis. I actually want to end up having a zoo somehow. Animals are just too precious for this world, and deserve the best.

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