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Meet Kellie Brooks

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Kellie Brooks. Kellie was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Kevin Williams.

Kellie, thank you so much for joining us today. We’d love for you to bring our readers up to speed – can you introduce yourself and share your story?
I began as a children’s book author with a heart full of hope and a head full of dreams. I poured my soul into my first book, imagining how it might touch the hearts of young readers everywhere. I eagerly attended book signings and various events, always with a smile on my face and a stack of books by my side. The thrill of seeing people flip through the pages I had written was indescribable. Yet, as much as I cherished those moments, there was something missing.

Time and again, as I signed copies and spoke to readers, I heard a familiar refrain: “How did you do this?” People were curious about the process, about how I had brought my book into the world. And while I loved sharing my story, I began to realize that the small successes I was experiencing weren’t enough. I was selling a book here and a book there, but it wasn’t adding up to the impact I had envisioned. The revenue was minimal, and though my passion remained strong, I knew I needed to find a way to take things to the next level.

One day, I stumbled upon a webinar by Mr. Williams, a man whose wisdom and experience spoke directly to the challenges I was facing. As I listened to him, something clicked. I realized that if I wanted to truly make a difference and grow my business, I needed to learn from those who had walked the path before me. I signed up for his webinar, eager to soak up every bit of knowledge I could. That decision marked the beginning of a new chapter for me—not just as an author, but as a businesswoman determined to help others realize their dreams, just as I was learning to realize mine.

Please tell us more about your brand, KellieBBooks
KellieBbooks LLC, a comprehensive book publishing service that helps aspiring authors transform their ideas into published books. My business caters to a wide range of genres, from novels and memoirs to children’s books and more. What sets KellieBbooks apart is our commitment to ending procrastination by guiding clients through the entire publishing process with a fast turnaround time—typically less than 90 days. We offer affordable services, especially in ghostwriting, making the dream of becoming an author accessible to everyone. Our personalized approach ensures that each client’s story is told with care and precision, helping them make a lasting impact through their work.⬤

Kevin Williams has been a great friend to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Kevin and your experience with them.
Working with Kevin has truly been transformative for me. As someone who is extremely introverted, I’ve always found it challenging to approach people and build connections. But Kevin has taught me how to function as an extrovert—how to approach people, what to say, and how to network effectively. What I admire most about Kevin is his genuine care and commitment. He doesn’t just finish a task and move on; he continuously supports me by sending event notifications, emails, and resources to keep me informed about what’s happening in the business world. Thanks to his guidance, I’ve been able to double my income, and I attribute much of my business success to his dedication to helping me grow socially.


Instagram: KellieBbooks

Linkedin: Kellie Brooks M.Ed

Facebook: KellieBbooks

Youtube: KellieBbooks

Other: Tik tok: KellieBbooks

Image Credits
Kimberly Green Photography

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