Today we’d like to introduce you to Aquancia Jones
Aquancia, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
It all started years ago when I first came to the university of north Texas even before that I’ve always been on top of my work getting things done and finding time to explore the things I loved witch was creating. I used to always move furniture around in my room, paint and create randomom ideas in hopes they would come to life. This lead to me wanting to go into the feild of interior design to sell and design beautiful homes in the Texas area. After being in the program at UNT I realized that this was something that I held value to but fell short when it came to wanting to do it full time in my future witch lead me to change my major and I was also dealing with a lot of mental health issues and struggles adjusting to the school since I traveled from Houston to Denton with few people I knew. And at the end of 2022 I found out i was pregnant with my son sevión Jones and my mental took a low so I would find outlets like creating and occupying my time with things and people that I love and got to know myself more during this time. Still being in school and managing life I was starting my own organization (creative black experience) because I wanted to have a platform for artist creators anyone that had a voice and wanted to share the platform to be able to do that have the plan and have the platform available for anyone to have access to due to the limitations of reaching out to others I created this so every creative has a voice and can host fun events and network no matter how many people show up they left with some valuable information to help another. It was times in my life where I felt like I didn’t have a voice or I was scared to so I just started planning a lot writing alot down I was always good at Korean and being organized from doing assignments to making boards to keep me on track it was always fun to color code and make things visually appealing so I’m able to use it to my liking. I would always have a plan but I fell short most times because I had to many plans I wanted to do and I got lost in the sauce. I struggled with having a lot of ideas and writing and planning them out and not executing I found ways to keep track like writing having a planner and getting e books to guide me but I realized that it wasent custom two adds the things that I do in my daily life. I have taken all the knowledge from school as well as my own personal experience and research that planners need to be 1 attractive 2 custom 3 a plan the motto for PRETTYCRAVESUS is being the problem and creating the solution. Meaning no matter how much you struggle you can create something better from that problem. I’ve struggled with a lot of things in my life being homeless, mental health issues eating disorders ,not knowing who I am, not having a job, carless but I looked towards God and built a relationship with him and let him guide the way. I have created a lot of things that I still will continue to work on but God willingly this is the one that I am proud of sharing. A digital/ print to create your life the way you want it to be. The brand is PRETTYCRAVESUS but the product is ‘Thebluprint’ Creating you for you. A monthly plan of action to ensure productivity even when there’s problems you have a guide to help you find the solution.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Some obstacles faced were mental health and physical I’ve been homeless carless jobless and at a point didn’t want to exist. God my son and my family & friends have been my greatest blessing but most of all Me & God because all those things I’ve struggled with I can now bring to light and show there’s more to life then pain and started showcasing my purpose.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a creative graphic designer copywriter student mom founder/ president specializing in digital marketing design tactics and marketing strategies. I’m known for creating content beauty fashion and relatable videos lifestyle etc. I host events on my campus and am apart of The Exquisite Eta Alpha Chapter Of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorrority Inc. and volunteer and give back to the community sisterhood scholarship and service.
I’m most proud of giving life to my mini me my blessing the one who I want to make proud my son seviòn jones. A ball of life and I want to be able to give him the chance of a good life and learn grow and be an amazing let mistakes be a lesson he can learn and obstacles be an opportunity to grow and be better than what he was before. Perfection is not my goal it’s a word I want him to grow with God and become the person he’s intended to be in Gods name. I hope what I teach and nurture him with will lead him to success and happiness and he can achieve anything through Christ who strengthens him!
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
I was bad or so they say I had an aditude so they say but I was very creative and full of life I was adopted so I feel like that had something to do but hey that’s another story for another day gotta follow up with me on that one I was creative loved redecoration I’d change my room once a month and just draw paint record random videos anyone a vine or dubsmash fanatic 😂 initially I wanted to be a lawyer and help people my goal was always to help people I just found myself more and understood what I wanted to do. I also think I watched to much how to get away with murder and scandal so I changed my mind. Ik loved to bake as well with my grandma and set up the tables I used to bake my grandmother and grandpa cookies and milk and bring it to them on a trey it made thief night better and it was enjoyable to see them happy.
- Thebluprint planner starts off at $25 and customizes to whatever you need in your daily planner @prettycravesus
- Paintings/ Digital Dm @theaquaeffect
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dayzofaqua?igsh=eWhvbWozN3dxa2x4&utm_source=qr
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aquancia-jones?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Prettycravesus
Image Credits
Aquancia Jones
Pictures with curly blonde with long black skirt on
Daryl Evans
Pictures in red hair