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Meet Sudie Abernathy, Jazz Singer

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sudie Abernathy.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I think the spirit of my grandmother influenced me into wanting to be expressive at a very young age. Since I can remember, everyone who knew her (she died before I was born) told me, I was very much like her in my mannerisms, my laugh, my looks, and the fact that she loved to sing. When I was about 4, I wrote my first song on the piano with melodies and lyrics (it was awful) and that’s when I started getting into singing lessons. The rest is really history as they’d say. At one point, I think when I was about 10 I was taking 3 lessons a week from 3 different coaches; at least that’s what it felt like. We moved around a lot growing up because my dad was a pilot, and now, looking back, I realized those changes in scenery influenced the music I was surrounded by, which affected certain aspects of my taste in music and nuances of style in singing. For example, I always loved Ella Fitzgerald, thanks to my eldest sister, but when I moved to Atlanta, Georgia my eighth-grade year, I became a singer of the school jazz band. That really helped develop a particular part of my voice.

Then, we moved to Dubai, UAE for my high school years and electronic music was very prevalent. But that being said, the only vocal coach we could find that we liked, that had credentials and experience, was a classical trainer. I also starred as the lead in the high school musicals every year I was there. PLUS, I was always asked to sing the National Anthem at various sports games, gatherings, radio, and even political events. This helped me to realize how versatile my voice actually was. This in and of itself was an incredible way to form who I was as a creatively expressive human being. I decided from there to study classical technique in University. I felt that was the only thing I really needed to master before I felt complete as a well-rounded and trained singer. I ended up going to Southern Methodist University to study Vocal Performance.

It was there, I have met with so many changes. Changes in environment, body, mind, spirituality… everything. My parents were still in Dubai, my sisters were far away. I was depressed and confused. But I found some wonderful and amazing humans I connected with. One of them is Dallas’ very own Rat Rios. Fellow creative and one of my most important inspirations. She was already producing her own music in GarageBand when I met her. It’s because of this I thought, “Wow. What an incredible woman!” and she sparked in me a passion to also create and produce all my own music. We both graduated and now, here we are! Still pursuing our creative endeavors.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Yes and no. Yes, because I have an amazing support system and I was able to work hard and find jobs that can work around my schedule. I have extraordinary friends and family, my manager is out of this world amazing.

No, because being a creative person in this type of world is difficult. I mean, trying to pay bills, have enough time to work on music, play shows, have a social life, stay hydrated, stay fed, get enough sleep, keeping up with personal hygiene, social media, enough introspective time, maintain all types of relationships, call your parents, call your sisters, remember your nieces, remember your friends that you may not see all the time, don’t forget to wash your face, check that your credit card bill is paid this month, DON’T FORGET STUDENT LOANS, feed your cat, clean the litter box, lock your door, turn off the stove, get enough protein, work out… but I’m still here and kicking. Nothing will ever stop me from pursuing this career.

Please tell us about Sudie.
I’m proud to say that I’m in full support of women and femme people trying to make it in this industry. We need more. We need so much more of you. I need you. And with my experience and knowledge and being where I am now, I want to be able to support in any way possible. If that means continuing to put out my creative work to say, “Hey!!! You can do it too!”, then I will!

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
Nothing. All the mistakes I made, as embarrassing or stupid as they might have been, has taught me valuable lessons (it’s a cliche because it’s true of).

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Denzel Golatt IG: @denzelgolatt, Fela Raymond IG: @felaraymond, Alyssa Macey IG: @aly.fae

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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