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Meet Pamela D. Smith of Go(o)d Girl’s Life Enrichment Ministry in Arlington

Today we’d like to introduce you to Pamela D. Smith.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Pamela D. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My story is one that many women can identify with. It is one of transformation. It is one of a woman who always believed that things would get better no matter how bad they were. My teen, young adult, and early marriage life was years of brokenness and isolation. Looking back I realized that I was in a very dangerous mental place back then. I didn’t even realize it. I was good of something that, back then, I didn’t even know what it was. Sadly, I was surrounded by people who were just as broken as I was…and they didn’t know it. The cliché’ “just pray about it” was a crutch. It was empowering to hear it and to believe that, that was all I had to do but the reality was and still is: prayer is very necessary but it must be coupled with action. Action that supports what you are praying for. That’s the only way to experience a manifestation. When I figured this out, I begin to take action. I had to replace religious, traditional, and even some cultural, cookie cutter beliefs and I had to customize my faith in a way so that the peace, joy, and simplicity that I needed was what I was experiencing. I understood that so many other women were being empowered to live this kind of life but they were not being equipped for it. There is a difference. It’s a must that we know what tools are available to us for every part of our life. I answered my call to serve other women and have been doing so for the last 9 years. It was only about 6 months ago that I gave my ministry a title, Go(o)d Girls. Before, I just used my name.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It has not been a smooth road. Two of my biggest struggles have been with humans trying to tell women that what they know for a fact that they heard from God, is not really what they heard so they have tried to put limitations on how we should use our gifts and callings. To God’s Glory, that has become less and less of a struggle because I think they realize that as long as God is getting the glory why should we really care about the sex of the vessel that is being used.

Another struggle that I think has been and will always be an issue, is people measuring my authenticity and seriousness by people I am associated with or related to. They need to get over it because I certainly have. I said yes to God and that often means saying no to a lot of people and their opinions and judgement. I love who I love, I’m related to who I am related to, and I associate with who I associate with. That’s not changing and neither is my yes to God’s call.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Go(o)d Girl’s Life Enrichment Ministry – what should we know?
I am an Evangelist, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, and Self-publishing Consultant. All of this combined basically spells out Servant. Secondary to my Go(o)d Girl Ministry is my self-publishing company, RP Smith Agency. I preach, teach, advise, consult, coach, and publish. What I am most proud of as a company is that I convince women that they do not have to conceal their spirituality in order to do business. As a matter of fact, I teach them how to align their spirituality with their success goals so that God is glorified in all that they do. I think that sometimes Christians shy away from business or if they are known to be business people, they try to conceal their Christianity. It’s because so many have equated Christianity, the church, and preachers with greed, money schemes, and taking from the people but It’s ok to be a Christian and have lots of money, make lots of money, and have a business.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
My husband, my mother, my children, my siblings have all showed tremendous support. In fact, my entire Spencer family has supported me a great deal. I am from a very small town in Louisiana so a lot of what I am doing has never been done by anyone there. Life coach has rarely been heard of there, if ever, and I am the first African American Amazon bestselling author from there. In fact, first African American author period. Although I no longer live there, it’s humbling and such a blessing to be able to be supported.

I give credit to my former Pastor, Clyde McCray for his prayers, him embracing me, my husband and children during the infant stage of my marriage. I also learned perseverance in ministry from watching him. Honor goes to Pastor Cedric and First Lady Tracy Bridges. They are friends as well as trusted spiritual advisors and there was a point where Tracy was spiritually holding my hand and Pastor Cedric was holding my husband’s with genuine love and compassion. It wasn’t always a scripture and a prayer and then good bye. It was sometimes a just a listening ear. So much of what has manifested in my life today was a result of life-changing, yoke destroying words that Pastor Cedric spoke.

Pastor Tammy Dozier, who is one of the Associate Pastors from my own church. I haven’t known her that long but she has been a real blessing. Her guidance, her ministry and marriage knowledge is a God send. My prayer partner and cousin, Monica Spencer. She covers me in prayer and is a listening ear. I’m very grateful for her. Pastor Terrance Jackson, who is a friend of me and my husband’s. His prayers and embracing of my gift deserves honor. We are grateful for the spiritual fellowship that we share with him. I also have to give credit to Life Coach Brittany Garth of Dimensioned Wellness, Nicole Matthews of Marketing Chics, Inc. and Lillie Williams of Glambitious Organization. These women have taught me a lot about business, marketing, and public relations. They were sincere in their teaching and not just trying to hustle me to meet their income goal for the week.

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